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Suggested songs


Suggested songs



Im using spotify on my android phone and would like to know if there is any way of disabling these annoying suggested songs. I actually want the ability to choose the music I listen to and that is not possible when it keeps suggesting music i dont want to listen to. The problem is that it suggest 5-7 songs in a row and I always run out of skips before. So Spotify is dictating what i should listen to.


This morning I put on one song I wanted to listen to, but after ½ an hour I still hadnt had to oppotunity to listen to the song and was so close to uninstalling Spotify.

283 Replies

I had the same issue for a while, one of my playlists would only play suggested songs and never shuffle to a playlist song. My playlist had about 35+ songs in it.


To solve this, I killed the Spotify app and relaunched, it then started playing my normal playlist songs.


Seems to be a bug where the app thinks your playlist is empty, and never picks up the songs from the playlist, but I cannot confirm that.

That sounds like what happened to me tbh. Just goes to show the old failsafe of turning it off and bk on is still a good one

I find this so annoying and I don't know how to fix it... I tried creating my own playlist from the album I had Wanted to listen to, but after a couple songs the suggested songs came back. I don't think this is fair, and the only solution spotify is giving is to get the premium version.

I don't want the premium version! And mayes spotify thinks they are being clever and are going to get more people to buy the premium version, but I think that they are going to lose customers because it is such an annoying feature!

We need them to add a button that turnsounds off the suggested song feature. because otherwise I'm deleting my account!

Wish i could help you out but there are a few options from just closing the app to making a play list with more artists on it. But iv have tried them all and suggested song randomly came back last night luckly it was atbthe end of my shift sooo.

The option to turn it off would be awesome but unfortunatly i doubt it will happen as they have more than likly gained more premium customers than lost free ones

You sound like a bunch of greedy bastards. Y'all refuse to change it in hopes we'll get premium. No one likes the suggested songs, no one. I would pay for spotify premium, if y'all weren't so blatantly greedy.

Listen id be happy to pay for it if i needed to, but as i dont need to why should i because you have a chip on yr shoulder we are just sayin it would be nice if it was a feature you could turn off. I get that spotify are trying to put new artist out there but some of us know who/what we like to listen to. End of the day we are just a hand full of people that are complaining about it and there is most likly millions of people that love the feature. So just chill bro. Plus not everyone has £4/m to spend on premium.

I have a playlist with 12+ songs on it and it still adds in suggested tracks 😕 you can't skip them either because it will always go to another suggested track rather than one that's on your playlist. Very close to getting rid of it

I already deleted it from my phone and switched to YouTube Red. Pay to Play
disgusts me.

I think that the fact that Spotify is taking the risk of either getting more Premium subscriptions or losing customers is really annoying. It just means they're just doing it in the hopes that they get payed more. It sucks.

hi, i realy love the suggested songs i get on my playlist, i get these at the bottom, but only on my windows pc laptop, I dont have them on my iphone, can i also get these suggested songs on my iphone; i have premium account; thx A


Yesterday I was playing Pat Benetar on my free mobile app. Obviously it was random play but there are well over 100 tracks by Pat Benetar. I started getting Spanish language music "suggested songs"...more than I could skip. Very frustrating. Most of your algorythms seem to be very good. But nothing I have EVER listened to on Spotify should give you the impression that I would like to hear Spanish language music!

If only the suggested songs fit the genre of the playlist. I was trying to listen to the Harry Potter soundtrack, which is classical music, while studying. The suggested songs added were Last Gaga and Katy Perry. Not at all fitting the study environment I was hoping for...

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I don't know if this is a gamble for customers or not, but it's impractical for users. Quite frankly, it's annoying.

Agreed. This is dangerous and offensive. I put on Kidz Bop Kids for my daughter and got Pitbull! I can't use Spotify until this feature can be turned off.

Same here, 12+ songs but after a song or two of the album that I want I get an endless stream of suggested songs and nothing from my playlist anymore!

Same here - playlist with many more than 12 tracks keeps going off into suggested tracks.  I've done the Force Stop and re-started the phone (Android) but still getting the suggested tracks.


What if I get the paid version? Will it still suggest songs? If so I am NOT going to buy it! I'm hoping that this is something that the premium version gets rid of. I don't want to have to skip songs even if I have unlimited skips.

Same is happening to me. Click on an album, spotify plays two songs from the album then starts playing suggested songs. This is stupid and not worth sitting through ads for and I am not shelling out money for premium for a company that does this.

You know, Spotify used to be great but now when you play a playlist it only plays suggested songs. This is ridiculous, O can't even use this app to listen to music anymore, I can't even say these suggestions you're giving me constitute that name. I started my playlist and skipped 5 songs I didn't know, I ran out of skips and spent the next 2 hours and didn't not hear one song on my playlist nor did I hear any by any of the artists on my playlist. Anytime someone posts this on the forum you guys close the topic and say it was suggested before. Its quite evident that you only intend to make it play songs by artists we don't know so people buy premium, well instead your driving away your potential customers. I would sooner pay my 15$/GB data overages from watching YouTube music than fund a company that does this. Uninstalled.

I have done this multiple times and it's still giving me suggested songs after the first song and honestly it's starting to **bleep** me off. If you could come up with a solution that would be great..

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