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This Song Is Not Available


This Song Is Not Available



I am a premium use for about 3 years now and I have never had any issues with Spotify on my Android until about a week or two ago. Now it constantly stops in the playlists and it constatnly says "Song is not available" when I know it is, even if it is downloaded and in offline mode! I can play all the same songs on my desktop, but my phone won't play anything!


For example, I will have a playlist of about 45 songs from all different artists and such. It would always play all the songs and all of them are on Spotify and available. So I hit shuffle and of the 45 songs it will play maybe 7. So when I check why it did not play all the other songs, it says "This song is not available". I have whole albums in my saved folder that are "not avialable" according to the Spotify app....


What is going on? I downloaded Pandora, but I really don't want to cancel Spotify....Please help!


Also, I have a Samsung S7 Edge with Android Version 6.0.1



59 Replies

I have the same exact phone and same problem! I use Pandora and spotify. Pandora keeps buffering. My spotify plays a song and stops in the middle how can i fix this!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?

I turned off power saving mode after reading a reply that was buried in
another thread about the same issue. It worked for me.

Same happened here. Did not work on wifi or mobile data. Only a couple songs I recently played. Now I have turned off the mobile data while off wifi. Turned it back. Works like it used to. (Reboot did not help though!) Thanks all!

I turned off my "restrict background data" setting on my note5, then restarted my phone & it worked.note: Did not work till I rebooted my phone ( turn off & repower). Thanks for the hint!

Power saving modes & restricting background data will effect your spotify playback! Must turn off then restart phone.

Same issue. Have uninstalled and reinstalled and same issue. Have tried to reconnect and reset all data so it seems to be an app issue. I'll find that radio won't load the next song and the app will crash. I love spotify but this has been a week now and it doesn't seem like anyone is responding to the issue..rethinking premium.

Hi there, I have similar problems, "This song is not available" & sometimes song stucked and i couldnt go to the next song.

- I am using version armV7

- Andriod 6.0.1

- Samsung S6

I setup the "Set as priority" -> "ON" in Spotify App 

I excluded the app in power saving mode

The only workaround I got is reboot the phone. So after I reboot the phone I can listen to the song which I was getting "This song is not available" error!

The problem is I am usually using spotify in my car, so it is SO annoying and dangerous trying to troubleshoot this issue while i am driving. PS, I dont have this problems with soundcloud! 

SO please, what should I do?!

All you have to do is disconnect from the WiFi network and wait to connect via mobile data connection. It will fix prob & you can reconnect to WiFi network again immediately after.

Hi Funsized253, Thanks for your answer but who has WiFi in the car?! I am using Spotify outside and usualy in the car with 4G connection... and FYI the problem is not the 4G connection or loss of conenctivity. 

I notice my issue was only when on Power saving it would cause the issue. But as soon as I take of power saving

In my case I have solved it (permanently) while sitting on a bus 🙂
Obviously I was not on WiFi, so what I did was disabling cellular data, waiting a couple secs and enable cellular data. After it connected back to 4G, it was all good and is ever since...

Thanks a lot ravenseldon, I didnt try this one though, next time i will try your solution too 🙂

I see most users suggesting to use the Wifi option as a solution. But if that is that case...what kind of 'offline' feature is this ? . My understanding is that 'offline' means that once the songs were downloaded I can listen to them with no internet connection, no Wifi connection, ....even at an airplane in airplane mode on status. ....I tried what was said of the Wifi connection but that applies only to the song you are acting upon. If you happen to select a song from another playlist it will retrieve the same 'this song is not available' message.......very frustrating....

I see most users suggesting to use the Wifi option as a solution. But if that is that case...what kind of 'offline' feature is this ? . My understanding is that 'offline' means that once the songs were downloaded I can listen to them with no internet connection, no Wifi connection, ....even at an airplane in airplane mode on status. ....I tried what was said of the Wifi connection but that applies only to the song you are acting upon. If you happen to select a song from another playlist it will retrieve the same 'this song is not available' message.......very frustrating....

I have tried all these and it just doesn't work what a waste of money !
Thanks Spotify

All, the song not available message seems to be happening when Spotify cant achieve the data speed it needs to produce a high quality stream. I set my music quality settings to 'Automatic' and it fixed the problem immediately. Had this issue travelling on a train. I'd previously set it to 'high quality'. Using Galaxy S7 on Three network

Thanks for that ,I have tried that to it still won't work on my P.C I have both wifi and mobile network. I wish Spotify admin would take more notice !!

This is still an issue for me. Samsung Galaxy S6, newest version of Spotify. Truning off Wifi and switching to mobile data DID "fix" the issue, but clearly that is not an acceptable solution.


Please fix this.

It's not just samsung. Have the same issue on my google pixel with android 7.  SPOTIFY!! fix this

So by do lots of experiments i found for this app i should apply all these proccesses:

1- The power saving should be switched OFF completely

2- Sometimes for a new album, a song or whatever, i need switch off/on the data and it will fix the issue temporarily for that day. The issue will come back for another random day!

3- Sometimes the volume and next song navigation on the car wouldnt work! for that I need to close up "all" apps function in android, and run the Spotify again. It will fix the issue in the car for that day.

And I need to do all those troubleshootings, when I am driving!!!

I have Samsung Galaxy S6 (latest update of OS and the App).



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