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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
Hi everyone, i have just discovered that the Spotity Party Mode is not
available for me anymore?But why? The mood regulators are not there
anymore. Neither on my Android Phne or on Windows PC. Please help me
Hi everyone, i have just discovered that the Spotity Party Mode is not available for me anymore? But why? The mood regulators are not there anymore. Neither on my Android ...
Did they get rid of 6 skips per hr for free? Haven't used Spotify in a
few days and when a song I did not like came up in my playlist, I tried
to skip it but says I found a premium option.So I'm not sure why this
happened cause cause even in the play...
Did they get rid of 6 skips per hr for free? Haven't used Spotify in a few days and when a song I did not like came up in my playlist, I tried to skip it but says I found a premium option. So I'm ...
My music is cutting out every few seconds over Bluetooth and it's
infuriating. I'm not having problems streaming Pandora on my speaker but
Spotify (which I pay for) isn't working like it should. Ive already
tested and reset the speaker and spotify wo...
My music is cutting out every few seconds over Bluetooth and it's infuriating. I'm not having problems streaming Pandora on my speaker but Spotify (which I pay for) isn't working like it should. Ive ...
I have spotifu premium on my Samsung S4 and have got a lot of different
problems.The phone "gets a blackout" and needs to be restarted. Most
common when spotify can't find what I'm searching for.The searching can
take up to 10 minutesSwitching radio ...
I have spotifu premium on my Samsung S4 and have got a lot of different problems. The phone "gets a blackout" and needs to be restarted. Most common when spotify can't find what I'm searching for....
If you are experiencing issues with sound quality, volume, distortion
etc and you are running Android 5.x Lollipop please try disabling
'Nuplayer' from the developer settings. This is an experimental player
Google introduced to Android and is known t...
If you are experiencing issues with sound quality, volume, distortion etc and you are running Android 5.x Lollipop please try disabling 'Nuplayer' from the developer settings. This is an experimental...
Hi there, since the latest update I am having a lot of problems with the
android app on the Samsung galaxy s4. - It is extremly slow (spotify
green wheel spinning and spinning), songs / albums, artists take ages to
load or do not load - songs start t...
Hi there,
since the latest update I am having a lot of problems with the android app on the Samsung galaxy s4.
- It is extremly slow (spotify green wheel spinning and spinning), songs / ...
I've re-installed the app, logged in and out (both phone and computer),
I've restarted my computer as well as my device, I've switched wifi
network (even used my mobile hotspot!), I've checked my firewall and
there isn't anything blocking Spotify (I ...
I've re-installed the app, logged in and out (both phone and computer), I've restarted my computer as well as my device, I've switched wifi network (even used my mobile hotspot!), I've checked my fir...
Ola, possuo uma conta Premium e estou muito insatisfeita.1- Ao salvar
albuns e músicas eles permanecem por pouco tempo no meu telefone. 2-
sempre quando vira o mês eu perco TODOS os albuns e músicas que eu
salvei previamente, sendo impossível ouvir a...
Ola, possuo uma conta Premium e estou muito insatisfeita. 1- Ao salvar albuns e músicas eles permanecem por pouco tempo no meu telefone. 2- sempre quando vira o mês eu perco TODOS os albuns e...
Buenos dias, queria que me ayudaran porque pierdo mis canciones cuando
cambio la tarjeta sd de mi celular. Me explico, descargo musica en una
tarjeta sd y luego cierro la aplicacion, cambio la tarjeta sd y pongo
otra para respaldar mis fotos, y cuand...
Buenos dias, queria que me ayudaran porque pierdo mis canciones cuando cambio la tarjeta sd de mi celular. Me explico, descargo musica en una tarjeta sd y luego cierro la aplicacion, cambio la...
All my saved songs and albums are not saved anymore!!!!!!!! I logged in
and went to songs (I usually hear them all on shuffle play) and it said
I didn't have any saved songs. If I go to artist I only get the list of
artists I am following not all oth...
All my saved songs and albums are not saved anymore!!!!!!!! I logged in and went to songs (I usually hear them all on shuffle play) and it said I didn't have any saved songs. If I go to artist I only...
Hi, is there a way to rename each firestick as we have 3 firesticks in
the house and its such a pain when trying to conntect my spotify to the
correct firestick using Spotify Connect? It would be usefull to have
'firestick - Bedroom' and 'firestick -...
Hi, is there a way to rename each firestick as we have 3 firesticks in the house and its such a pain when trying to conntect my spotify to the correct firestick using Spotify Connect? It would be use...
For some reason song, albums and playlists will not download over Wi-Fi
but will if I use cellular data.I have tried deleting the app checking
phone memory but nothing works.Can anyone help? ThanksMark
For some reason song, albums and playlists will not download over Wi-Fi but will if I use cellular data. I have tried deleting the app checking phone memory but nothing works. Can anyone help? &nb...
When I play songs from the (windows 10) desktop player or my android
devices (Sony Z5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2) to my chromecast audio, it
works without problems, BUT all my own/local songs, already downloaded
on all devices, where ignored and skipped!...
When I play songs from the (windows 10) desktop player or my android devices (Sony Z5, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2) to my chromecast audio, it works without problems, BUT all my own/local songs, already do...
Not sure if this is on Soundhound or Spotify's end, but when I use
Soundhound I used to be able to connect it to Spotify to make a
Soundhound playlist, making it easy to add songs to Spotify without the
option to listen to it & add it. Just curious a...
Not sure if this is on Soundhound or Spotify's end, but when I use Soundhound I used to be able to connect it to Spotify to make a Soundhound playlist, making it easy to add songs to Spotify without ...
Hi all!I needed to clean some cache from my android and was surprised
when there's no more favorite songs in "My songs" list. Does anyone have
a clue about what happened? Thanks!
Hi all! I needed to clean some cache from my android and was surprised when there's no more favorite songs in "My songs" list. Does anyone have a clue about what happened? Than...
Hola que tal tengo un problema, cada vez que abro otra app con el
spotify reproduciendo, automaticamente el spotify se cierra, hay alguna
solucion para este problema?
Hola que tal tengo un problema, cada vez que abro otra app con el spotify reproduciendo, automaticamente el spotify se cierra, hay alguna solucion para este problema?
I have tries all the recomended solutions - disable firewall +
antivirus- reinstall/reboot aplication- turn on network sharing- install
older spotify versionbut to no avail. I have a samsung galaxy s7 nougat
which does show up in my devices on my des...
I have tries all the recomended solutions - disable firewall + antivirus - reinstall/reboot aplication - turn on network sharing - install older spotify version but to no avail. I have a s...
Hola a todos, buen día.He sincronizado mi musica y se guarda en la SD
Card, pero después de unos minutos, se borra todo. Ya elimine mis
dispositivos desde la página, desinstale la aplicación y pensando que es
mi memoria tambien le borre archivos sin ...
Hola a todos, buen día. He sincronizado mi musica y se guarda en la SD Card, pero después de unos minutos, se borra todo. Ya elimine mis dispositivos desde la página, desinstale la aplicación y pe...
Have a problem with playing the music on my chromecast with the spotify
app on my phone.When I have it on play in the app on the phone the song
is showed as paused on the TV the chromecast is connected to. If I put
the song to pause in the app it is ...
Have a problem with playing the music on my chromecast with the spotify app on my phone. When I have it on play in the app on the phone the song is showed as paused on the TV the chromecast is conne...