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New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS


New Spotify Web Player Design [NEW 2017 DESIGN?] | FEEDBACK, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, & COMMENTS

Hello Spotify users,


This thread is for the community who have been selected to test the new web player design.


I've noticed that there is a great change probably hinting at spotify getting rid of some features and adding new ones. It is very important that the users of spotify give feedback to these new changes.



- Save feature needs to be added. The save feature needs to be added back on albums and singles. 

- Interactive profiles. Profiles arent interactive anymore. I seen the riddence of public playlists on profiles and what artists users are listening too. It would be nice to actually improve the profiles picture and make contacting and connecting to other users easy.

- Make accessibility to playlists and customization to playlist easier. Because of the new bulky UI it is hard to find what you're looking for.

- Make the UI less bulky-- the colors are nice, the design is nice, but it would be easier if it was efficient. The UI is too bulky, like the songs get overcrowded when listening to an album or playlist.


Any more feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments are welcomed. If you are a visitor, it is nice to see your feedback as you will be using this UI or help develop it. 🙂


THE NEW WEBPLAYER: Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png


Please, like I said, leave feedback, ideas, questions, and/or comments. They are all welcomed.


You can contact me or follow me on these various platforms:

Spotify - @Yxngmeezy

Instagram - @Yxngmeezy

Snapchat - @Yxngmeezy

Twitter - @Yxng_meezy

E-mail -


thank you. 🙂

Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 10.09.09 AM.png
686 Replies

That new deisgn is so awesome! As a designer myself, I can honestly say that it feels more open. There is air. Album art look more awesome. I can see more content. Would love to see an option to use this deisng in the PC app as well, maybe like beta/test version can be deployed for premium users that want to test new features. I saw an E in a square next to explicit songs - thats nice 🙂 Also when I put it on my 2nd monitor which is square, the playlist with son names is just right instead of squished between the other elements. On another note the new design is carrying the same design language as the mobile app, which makes me happy - coherent design is a must in crossplatform app used on the daily.


Big thumbs up guys, and pls giff option to use the new design as beta for premium users.



Mine (play.spotify) keeps going to open.spotify, even after I logged out and clear the browser cache. Did you do anything else?

Thank you Spotify!!!! Thank you so much for listening to your customers and bringing back the old web player!!!  I am so happy!!!

if by "more content" you actually mean "less content," since the new version removed boatloads of information and utility options, then yeah, loads more content!

Thats interesting, could you point out some of the removed features. Tbh im a very casual spotify user, I have made only 2 or 3 playlists and mostly listen to it during work and sometime while commuting. You sound like a poweruser(for the lack of a better word) so I'm curious to hear more of what you have to say. 

The old UI is back, thank you Spotify for listening to the user's feedback.

Thank you for bring back the old UI.  I would say about 50% of my spotify listening happens at work and I cant install the desktop app on my workstation. It is nice to get all the old functionality back in the web app . It drove me insane that I couldnt see the Play Queue or add songs to Up Next. 


Now I can just queue  a few songs and then let it shuffle from there while I work.  The new design wasnt horrible or anything, it's just the fact that it removed often used functionality that seems to be what made so many people hate it.

I adored the new web design.  It was much, much cleaner.  It felt more like I was listening on my iPod app.  It looked so pretty, it was easy to find what I was looking for without a hundred things cluttered on the page.  I'm surprised so many people don't like it, because I LOVE it.  I'm a huge fan of clean, simple designs.  I don't need all the special functions all over the page like on the old design; I just want to browse playlists and genres and click play.  I really hope they bring the new design back.  It was so much more pleasant than the old/current one.

You can have their **bleep**ty new design back when they integrate all of the current functionality they have in their current player. Until that point, their new design is an absolutely god awful decision as a company to make and force upon the community.

Nobody cares about "air" on a webpage when you are missing several key features absolutely mandatory for your service to be successful. Now, if they had it completely cluttered with useless fluff, that's when you can complain about the lack of air. For now, I'm content that they returned to their old design. GJ Spotify.

@buresbira This seems to be a common theme... the newer layout appeals only to designers and not actual users.


We care about functionality, not "openness".


Thank you Spotify for keeping the older design; I am happy that you did so. The web player is the only way I can listen to Spotify at work and without its full set of features I would have cancelled my subscription.

I have to agree, it is music player first, not something to be pretty. If
they kept all the old functionaily in the redesign I think it would have
been fine and people wouldnt have complained as much.

Ahh, thank you so much for listening to us and bringing back the old player! It is much appreciated and I hope it can stay this way 🙂

It made my day to come in and see that the old web player has been re-instated. I'm able to add songs to my play queue again!! Thanks!

I just saw the old version is back, I'm so glad! Honestly I didn't care for the new design at all, it removed too many basic functionalities. I missed my queue so much. Finally I can go back to listening to music properly.

I was so exited with the new non-Flash web player. I almost bought Premium for whole family.
The old player is back, so no money for Spotify for now.

Form follows function.. thanks for bringing back the old design!

Hope it stays that way.


EDIT: new is back. **bleep** you spotify.

Is it possible to get the new design back? I hate the flash player, it redirects me back all the time. It hangs, says that I am missing flash. I don't care to much about functionality, I want a seemless music experience.


Anyone know how to get the new design back which isn't flash?

I also hate the old player, it just disconnects when listening for a while. Seems like the new player is more stable, I mean, who uses flash nowadays?!


The new player with the old features would be key!

@freemenows wrote:

Is it possible to get the new design back? I hate the flash player, it redirects me back all the time. It hangs, says that I am missing flash. I don't care to much about functionality, I want a seemless music experience.


Anyone know how to get the new design back which isn't flash?


"I don't care about functionality."


Clearly you do, else you wouldn't want a working web player. Other than that, I've never experienced anything such as disconnects from their web player, and I've worked 12 hour shifts, rocking out the entire time, with no disconnects or stutters in my music whatsoever. So, clearly something's going on on your guys' ends


Imagine my shock seeing the old player back. Yes, this is exactly what I had hoped for. 


Spotify, thank you. Please give us the option to opt into a new layout or have the 'classic' one. Or go ahead, make some functionality changes, but don't mess with something that looks and works great for us. 🙂 

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