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Spotify GUI freezes in Ubuntu 19.10

Spotify GUI freezes in Ubuntu 19.10




Operating System

Ubuntu 19.10 on Laptop and double display with HDMI cable


My Question or Issue



I'm using Spotify on Ubuntu 19.10 and since I installed the software (some days ago) I noticed an annoying bug: the window of the program is freezed and so non-interactable, but music goes on and even keyboard insturctions (play/pause, go on, go back) works normally. I said that the window seems to be freezed because even automatic reshaping  does not work)


It happens very frequently and the only solution that I found is to close and reopen spotify (the close button 'X' works).

119 Replies

Same! Ubuntu 18.04.4 and getting GUI frozen. Spotify keeps playing music and responding to multimedia keys. I can also click where there should be buttons and the interaction works properly. It seems more a render-like problem instead of a full GUI bug.


I reinstalled today from snap with the same results. Works great for a while, but in a few minutes (couldn't say how long it lasts...), I have to close and reopen spotify. Pretty annoying.

Same here, UI freezes, pause button works, media keys and top bar works.


 before doing this uninstall Spotify then go though these steps in the terminal then once you have completed that go to media players and Spotify should be there run it and login and it should work ok let me know how you get on 

The previous instruction seems to be a working solution.
I'm running xfce so I do not know why I need gnome-support but installed it anyway.
1. First I removed spotify
2. I could not get the key working so I downloaded the package and installed it with software center.
3. Installed spotify with software center
4. Launched spotify and it seems to load bit longer than usual and felt sticky the first minute but then working and responding OK.
Thank You Ali Garlanz

would seem like they have all ready fix it refer

Is it still working ok

Yes ... about four hours and all OK.

Today ... I got the trouble back ... it freezes again.
Reinstalled from snap ... no help.
spotify from Spotify✓ installed

Have you done a system update cause I think it might be updating the Spotify Client and they might be a problem with the new version so I think you should try an install a earlier version of the Spotify Client and try that mine system still works ok but I haven’t updated my system

Yess .. it all started about two weeks ago when I took all suggested updates.

I had listened Spotify about one year without trouble ... Ubuntustudio 18.04

I will try to find earlier .deb spotify package somewhere.

I m using POP OS(Ubuntu derivative). Same problem.

Mostly when I click Alt+Tab.

Hi I would suggest uninstalling the version of Spotify you are running and download and install an earlier version of Spotify and see if that helps&nbl

It ain't easy to find an earlier .deb package which doesn't have dependency problems.

It's quite difficult to pass the verification to write here without eyeglasses.

Download Spotify Client 0.9.17 and install that see if that makes a difference let me know how that goes



 Hi All I think if you go on and download Spotify Client 0.9.17 and install that that might solve the problem let me know how you all get on 



It will not install .... it needs a Debian Jessie package libnspr4-0d_4.12-1+debu8u1_amd64.deb ... and I can not take any changes about breaking up my os right now so I can't test this.

Download it from

type it in your browser l

I have the package spotify-client-0.9.17_0.9.17.8.gd06432d.31-1_amd64 from and tried to install it with gdebi but it has a dependency to debian jessie package. It will not install.

use terminal



sudo apt install curl


then type


curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list


then type


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client


I reinstalled the Snap version yesterday ..

I've played two evenings without any trouble.

Someone fixed the Snap version ... thx.


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