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I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8, and have th latest version of spotify but in the last couple of days it has just frozen up and it wont let me quit the application. When I click on it to open all the options at the top have disappeared and won't let me select and its stopping me from shutting down my Mac, does anyone know what I can do??


Accepted Solutions
Marked as solution

Hit Command-Option-Esc and then it will give you the option to force quit Spotify.

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I opened Activity Monitor and tried to Quit the WindowServer process. This did nothing, so I proceeded to Force Quit. That made my screen turn black and I guess the computer was frozen. Ultimately I had to hold the power button and do a hard reset.

I just deleted Spotify and will try re-downloading it. Hopefully that will fix things?

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26 Replies

You can't Force Quit?

Community Ergo Sum

nope, nothing will work its like its frozen open or something, ive tried taking out the battery on the laptop but nothing seems to be having an effect.

OK, new plan.


First, unplug the power, take out the battery

Put the battery back in and Start in safe mode

Un- and reinstall Spotify following these steps

Community Ergo Sum

Why won't spotify quit?


Again, I'm also on Mac OSX 10.7.5 and it just won't quit. I've tried to Force Quit and that doesn't work, I'm not taking the battery out and doing it that way as that's just ridiculous and if this is the Spotify Premium service, it's very average.

Same problem here: this is ridiculous.


Spotify can't be closed: it restart automatically.


Who gave the developer the rights to decide on my behalf?

Have you tried killing the process from your terminal?

Probably it would even work, but wy I should do this to quit Spotify each time I want to close it?


The simple"Quit" command from the menu should work: it's so simple!

I am having the EXACT same problem, i keep telling it to quit but then shutting down but it says its still running, i even tried deleting the bloody thing but mac wont let me delet something that is supposedly running. How do you close this thing down??

i have the same problem! spotify wont close and it also doesnt let me log off, shut down, or restart my mac!!!


Definitely a pain, I get this on Windows 8 sometimes. 

Only solution I have found is to hard reset the computer by holding down the power button (which I think you can do on a Mac too?)



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Really doesn't seem like we should have to do a hard reset to close one program.

Having to reboot in order to kill a program is not unheard of.

Same problem here...


I will quit Spotify if this issue is not solved, I can't restart my mac! WTF!

Marked as solution

Hit Command-Option-Esc and then it will give you the option to force quit Spotify.

Thank you!!!!!

Hold down Command, Option, Esc. and a force quit guide will show up on your screen; it will show you all the apps you have open. Select 'Spotify (not responding)' and click 'force quit'. 

Force quite doesnt work - it just starts again. Any ideas?

Seriously, come on spotify I was pumped about using you and now your program is killing my Mac.  Can't close, cannot force quit.  HELP!!

How do you kill it through terminal? I have this same problem.

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