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Moving songs within large playlist

Moving songs within large playlist

It's a pain to not be able to drag a song or a selection of songs further up or down out of view within a large playlist. Currently I must drag the selection up 10 songs or so, scroll up one viewport  height, move the selection again, and so on so forth until I get to the desired location. This occurs in both the Windows and Mac clients. I could have sworn at one point (during some iteration of the client) one was allowed to hover just above or below the viewable portion of the song list to autoscroll.

2 Replies


What I do is the following.


* Create a temporary playlist named "t" by File, New Playlist in the upper left of the screen


* Cut the tracks I want to move to the temporary playlist "t".


* Move the cursor to the new position in the Big playlist.


* Then Cut the tracks in the playlist "t" back to the Big playlist.


Once I get am sure that tracks are not being lost, I can just Select the tracks that I want to move, Ctrl-X to cut, Position the curser where I want the CutTracks to appear, then Ctrl-V.


Does that work, @tenub?


Hey @tenub @rednblu 


Good news!


Spotify recently rolled out a new desktop app design and one of the new features is the ability to scroll while dragging songs in a playlist so you can move it to the spot you want it much faster. You can also scroll while dragging playlists in the sidebar when rearranging them.


You'll need to make sure you have desktop app version or newer for this to work


You can read more info about the new desktop app in this news article:

Introducing a New Spotify Experience Across Desktop App and Web Player 


The desktop team also has a blog post in the community about it:

The New Desktop App


There's also an FAQ post with answers to frequently asked questions about the new desktop design: 

FAQ: The New Spotify App for PC and Mac

MattSudaSpotify Star
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