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Video ads way too loud


Video ads way too loud

Listening to my music at a reasonable volume and then all of a sudden a video ad will come blaring on, seemingly at least twice as loud as my actual music volume. Loud enough to ****ing literally hurt my ears. This needs to fixed immediately. This latest update is just a mess. The lead developer and anyone who OK'd the update should be fired. The update should be rolled back until someone competent, and who also values user experience, is put in charge.
193 Replies

HAHAHA They automatically censored the word on this forum BUT NOT FROM THE AD SCREAMING IN MY CHILDREN'S EARS!!!


Ads are way too loud and i don't like having my hand forced into subscribing, i will if i enjoy the services, and i'm not enjoying spotify.


edit: nvm, i google'd this issue and found a fix in 2min using a block extension and updating the filters so it doesn't play ads anymore. I wouldn't mind if they weren't so loud.

Thanks for your help.

This was posted two years ago, and the issue still exists?? What is going on?! Seriously, every time I listen to music with my headphones, I have to toss them off before destroying my ears when an ad comes on! I don't even hear the ads because of this, but then I end up missing part of the next song, which is a HUGE annoyance! This NEEDS to get fixed ASAP, PLEASE!!!

Also, keeping the volume setting at 100% with Spotify isn't a solution. I often watch tutorial videos that I have turned up so I can hear instructions, and the music volume on spotify set low to play in the background when I pause the tutorial to take notes. Having Spotify at 100% all the time means I have to constantly adjust my computer's volume settings, which doesn't work for me. I'd be better off using a different service if this is the case. Please Spotify, get this fixed already, it's really off putting that it hasn't been fixed yet in the past years!

They are getting money from us, through the ads! 

Thank you so much, this seems to have solved the problem for me! If I could, I would buy you a drink. I've suffered through this needlessly for at least two years now. Thank you again! 

The solution pcman posted is working for me so far. Thank you, I am no longer suffering through that obnoxiousness. 

The fact that this remains an issue years later is ridiculous. I'll be switching to using Google Play music and TuneIn radio unless/until this gets resolved. As others have noted, the blasting ads make me LESS likely to buy the products advertised as I associate the advertiser with being an obnoxious **bleep** and if I'm successful in my race for the mute button I can block out the ad entirely. It also makes me hate Spotify and makes me NOT willing to pay for premium - I'm not giving money to a company that has such little respect for their customers and uses tactics like this to force them into paying.

Again, this is not the solution. Tested on different platforms. The issue is Spotify is intentionally boosting the volume on these ads. I will be moving on to another service soon if issue is not resolved.

Am I the only one that stumbled here thinking Spotify does it on purpose to get to you look at the ad or notice it. I think this is a sleezy way they try to force you to notice an ad.

I am pretty sure it stays that way as it is.

Worrying tendency, really. I have that problem with the TV channels.
Watching some movie where there's this pretty quiet part and suddenly BAHH comes an ad for some damned toilet freshener and you almost **bleep** yourself and start to think whether to buy this movie or watch online without ads (piracy).


It's either people work their way around it, leave the service or tolerate it.

Without the volume problem Spotify ads are not bad.

So true. I can't stand it. Have u found an app to fix that problem?



Spotify's goal is for you to be connected to all the world's amazing music, even if you are a Free user. We would like to explain this further for you.

We're sorry you’re unhappy about the volume of the ads you’re hearing on Spotify. Hope you understand they are key in allowing us to keep the Free service free even while being able to also pay artists and rights holders for their music.

Meanwhile, have you tried out Premium? We’d recommend checking it out. Along with on-demand access to Spotify’s 30 million tracks and the ability to listen offline, there are no ad interruptions. You can try it!

Juana, your humble Spotify fan!
♫ If music be the food of love, play on. ♫

People have problem with the ads volume, not the ads themselves. Is blasting the volume to maximum for the ads really necessary?

This doesn't work on my Mac. 😞

Seriously?  What advertising guru sold you that idea? It's an insult to everyone's  intelligence to come up with that excuse. By boosting the volume on your adverts, you are simply annoying your clients and driving them away. Maybe that's why this thread is 13 pages long and growing

This is still an issue.  Most ads use an appropriate volume, but, holy **bleep**ing **bleep**, some ads are ridiculously loud.  Pointfest's ad, for example, was tremendously louder than other ads.  I've been listening to Spotify for the past half hour with a sleeping baby two rooms away, then an ad for "Primus at Peabody Opera House November 5" comes on BLARINGLY loud, waking the baby.  This obnoxiousness is not going to push me toward premium.  This obnoxiousness is going to push me to another music-streaming service, which does not abuse my eardrums.

I agree!

The fix is to turn the volume on the Spotify app all the way max, then have your computer or sound device turned down to the volume you want.

This is a fix that someone mentioned a few years ago and it works because the ads cannot be louder than you have the Spotify volume set.


Good luck!

Yeah, except it's not the average volume, it's the overly compressed higher volume ones that are the problem. They will always be louder than any properly produced Addison track, and have the ability to rip your head off.

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