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Black screen in Chrome

Black screen in Chrome



again I'm having problem with the spotify web player in chrome in windows 7.

When opening it immediately switches to and shows the well known content for a fraction of a second, then changes to a completely black screen. 


Thanks for any help.

9 Replies

Hey @Song203! Welcome to the Spotify Community. ^^


That doesn't sound cool.

Have you tried to use a different browser or clearing your browser cache/cookies?

Let me know how it goes! ^^



Hi Nico,


I tried Firefox, same result. 

I'll clear my cache. This will take some time

But I will not clear my cookies, at least not in chrome, since I need them and in chrome it is not possible to clear cookies selectively.



The same situation - doesn't work in chrome, firefox and edge in windows 10. Tried to clear cache, local storage etc - nothing helped.

Printscreens from chrome console


At least Firefox is  "working" now, although I did not change anything (no clear of cache/cookies). At least I see the page and can search.


But I cannot hear music. This problem I know and it appears very often. But always, after waiting for some hours it works again ... magically. 

This is an old problem and somehow it seems not possible to fix it.




Further Update: 

When I press "Play" in Firefox I see a red message pop up, which tells me "Oooops, something went wrong. Reload". I would really like to know what "something" is. 




And my last update for today. After pessing F5 over and over again, enable DRM (it was already enabled) it is working now.


The solution seems: 

Don't use Chrome, be patient, enable DRM at least two times, press F5 until it works.


I hope this will help others, too.


Hey @Song203 @PanPaukan!


Something isn't working properly on Spotify's side.

I will reply on this thread later with help.




It works now! Checked in chrome and edge. Thank you

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