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Spotify is completely blank

Spotify is completely blank




My Question or Issue

I open Spotify, and this is all I see. And I am not able to select anyhing in File, Edit etc. I have tried to re-install.

Screenshot 2019-05-12 at 12.06.28.png
22 Replies

I have the same problem, although it eventually shows up. I've been complaining about this for years and the only response I get is to reinstall the app. Trust me, Spotify does not care about fixing any of the issues. 

That is the impression I get also, I posted the same question a year ago, but that post has been removed it seems... I am currently in direct contact with them over Twitter though, so hopefully whoever is on the other end has a solution.

I have the same problem on my iMac (Late 2013, Mojave Version 10.14.3) but not on my iPhone or iPad. When opening Spotify the window is black for quiet a time.  After some time I see on the left side the Start/Browse/Radio-button and my playlists. When choosing a playlist, on the right side is a spinning symbol. But I takes minutes until the songs of the playlist are visible. At least I can play the songs.  Maybe it's my iMac which sometimes is very slow. But its is really annoying.



Hey @eFlatin.


Thanks for posting about this in the Community.


Sounds like a clean reinstall worked for a couple of other users. Could you let us know if that works for you too? 


If this is a recurring issue, could you let us know the exact version of Spotify you're running? We'll take a closer look 😉

A clean reinstall did not work.

The version I'm running is

I am having the same problems. I just tried to do a clean reinstall and it's still coming up blank. It loads after maybe 10 minutes but you can't click anything or else it just freezes. This is insanely frustrating.


I'm running (or attempting to anyway) version

Welcome to our **bleep**. You will be forever stuck here, as it's become
pitifully clear that the engineers don't really care if it works or not.

Hey all,


Thanks for letting us know about this.


We'd like to investigate this issue but in order to do this, we need some more info.


  • How long approximately the screen stays black
  • Spotify version
  • MacOS version

Don't forget to hit +vote as well so you can be kept up-to-date.


Have a nice day! 


It is completely stuck at the black screen, it does not change back, I have not been able to use the Spotify app for over a year now. 

Spotify version I am using is

MacOS version is Mojave 10.14.4

Hey, @chuckellen, @savvyVKS, and @i-7 ,


  • How long approximately the screen stays black
  • Spotify version
  • MacOS version

If you are still experiencing this issue. Could you please post it here?


Looking forward to your reply.


Have a nice day.



So what is the solution to MY problem? Nothing has changed, it is still exactly as my post above, because no one is actually helping me on this issue...


  • How long approximately the screen stays black = It is completely stuck at the black screen, it does not change back. 
  • Spotify version =
  • MacOS version = Mojave 10.14.4

Hey there @eFlatin,


Thanks for keeping in touch.


We'd recommend trying to disable Hardware Accelaration from the Spotify menu (as shown in your first message's screenshot) and then exit the app. Then, just launch the app again.


If that does the trick, we'd suggest making sure that your device is up to speed with any firmware or driver updates (including graphic drivers).


Let us know how things go! We'll be right here if you need more help.


Have a lovely day 🙂

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Hey there folks,


We haven't heard from you in a while.


Just to confirm, are you still experiencing this? If so and a clean reinstall doesn't help, try disabling Hardware Acceleration (Spotify > View > toggle off Hardware Acceleration) to see if that does the trick.


If not, please let us know by adding your +VOTE and the following details: 

  • How long approximately the screen stays black
  • The exact Spotify version you're on
  • Your device and MacOS version

We'll be keeping an eye out for your replies, thanks!

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Yes, I am still experiencing it, because I am not getting any actual help. Only new moderators asking me the same thing. 

I am tired of answering the same question over and over, both here, and on the SpotifyCares Twitter. 

If you want to know how long it stays black, my device and MacOS version, and my Spotify version, all you have to do is check my previous comment to find out... If it does not help you solve my problem, then stop asking.

I was told the tech team was looking into it, but that was over a month ago, and have not heard anything

Hey @eFlatin,


Thanks for getting back to us, and apologies for the late reply!


Could you confirm that you tried the steps that @Katerina suggested in her previous post?


Once we have that, we'll see what else we can suggest.


Thanks 🙂


Yes I have tried that. Pretty sure I have tried all the standard procedure checks, just have a look at my dm conversation with SpotifyCares twitter account.

Hey @eFlatin,


Thanks for getting back to us.


Could you let us know if you get the same issue when you log in with your account on a different device?


If you do, then do you mind creating a new (free) account and seeing if you still experience this issue on those devices?


Keep us posted 🙂

Hey folks,


We haven't heard from you in a while, so we're going to move this thread back to the help boards.


Let us know if you're still experiencing this issue and we'll look into it.


Thanks! Stay awesome 🙂



Still the same issue... Maybe you don't hear from us because your average response time is 2 weeks, and it is always a different moderator.

It is only on one device, as I have mentioned before. Since it is working fine on my other devices, it is not an account issue. 

I repeat, I have tried all the standard procedure checks, as you can see if you just check my conversation with your Twitter help center. They told me it was being taken care of by the tech team, but have not heard anything since. As you can see from the screenshot I attached, it has been quite some time since they were in touch.

Screenshot 2019-09-09 at 14.19.12.png

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