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Spotify is removing offline playlist windows 10

Spotify is removing offline playlist windows 10

Hey guys..


I'm having a lot of issues with spotify premium on my windows 10 pc.


A have noticed that even if a playlist is fully downloaded, it will be noted as "not downloaded" a few days later.


Its random which playlist that is getting removed, but usually all my music is gone in 1 week!


I have seen that there are problems with stuff like this on android and i have tried some methods to fix the issue people where mentioning there, but it didn't help me.


Last time I tried

Removing spotify on my pc

Deleting offline accounts online

Reinstall spotify with the newest edition

Downloading all playlist

And putting it in offline mode before closing spotify


But it did not help me


Every time I turn on my pc a new playlist is marked as "waiting for download" even if it was downloaded.



Am i the only one with this issue on windows? This is very annoying 😞


I hope there is a fix for this 😞


7 Replies

Just checked spotify player version.
Im using

desktop app on windows 10 64 bit..

Am I the only one with this issue? Please help

I have noticed that some songs are missing data.. They stop after a few seconds and i get the "cant play this song error" 😞 I guess this is a part of the problem.. Am i really the only one with this problem? 😞

Im on now, and still having the same problems.. 😞

Im still having issues with spotify losing offline tracks..
After every reboot og shutdown - startup some playlists cant be played..

Im running the newest spotify version on windows 10.. Just updated today.. I will check version later..

Please help. I cant really be the only one in the world with this problem?

Having the exact same issue and seems to happen after the software is automatically updated with each new version.  You ever find any resolution?

Im always on the newest version when there is an update avaible. And at the moment im still having this "spotify is deleting offline songs" issue..

But i have noticed it only happens when i shut down windows when spotify is playing or open.. I dont know if its a bug in win 10 or in spotify.. But its a bit anoying when im using spotify in a carpc that automatically turns on and off with the car.. Its anoying to turn of spotify before shutting of the enigne :p..

I hope this topic will be noticed soon..

Do you have a screenshot or something of the situation? 

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