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Spotify just played 6 commercials in a row? Is this a glitch?

Spotify just played 6 commercials in a row? Is this a glitch?

Spotify usually plays 1-3 commercials at a time which is fine with me. But earlier my Spotify played 6 commercials in a row. 6! Please tell me this was just a glitch and not some new thing you are starting. This is the first time this has happened. Again, I understand that you need to have ads for the free version, but 6 commercials in a row is a bit much. 1-3 should be enough.

30 Replies

Hey 🙂

maybe it is just a bug ;). if this happens one more time please tell us this again ;). 


hope this won't happen again. 

Kind regards,

Max aka. Amarro

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Ok thanks for replying. I will be sure to let you know if it happens again. 🙂

I too am experiencing an unusually high occurance of ads this evening.  I certainly don't mind ads, but this is kind of ridiculous.


This is on Windows 8.1 desktop version


Same thing here! Windows 8.


I wouldn't say 4 is excessive, I've certain had 3/4 pretty commonly lately but any more than that does seem to be pushing it.

What country are you guys in?

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It has been a while for me using a free access, does the play queue also load up the banner ads there to be launched during song play back for banner ads to load right in the middle of the desktop app play window? I just wondered when I saw that one listing with like 6 spotify ads in a row.

I've gotten 4-6 in a row several times this weekend. 


I too have been receiving absurd amounts of premium ads in a row, every couple of songs. I was considering buying premium but I refuse to condone this type of spamming of ads on a service that has been so balenced in the past.


That said, please tell me if this is merely a bug that needs to be fixed in some way (uninstall maybe? idk).

Spotify will play upwards of five songs in a row for me and then upwards of five ads in a row. I've been getting five, six, at one time seven ads at at time. Usually it is the spotify ads that repeat rather than sponsor ads. I'm fed up with it.



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HI everyone! This doesn't seem right. 

I will notify the staff about this. I will post here as soon as I have more information regarding this.

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My spotify will do the same thing. It will play around 5+ adds after every song. I don't mind the adds but after every song is what is really bugging me

Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 6.15.22 PM.png

Edit: Nevermind, it seemed to work fine for a while but went straight back into playing 6 ads in a row. I am running OSX 10.9.5 if anyone cares. It started half a week ago.


Reinstalling the client seemed to have fixed the problem for me. Ads no longer repeat endlessly nor as frequently. I can't be sure this is a 100% permanent fix as it's only been about ~30 minutes but there is a large improvement, so try it if you are facing this issue.


I've tried that but it hasn't worked. It works for about three songs and then it starts again.

I'm not angry that spotify has ads, I understand I can pay for premium and go ad-free. But I'm wondering why there's often six or more spotify ads in a row for every two songs I listen to. It happens all the time. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? 



Screen Shot 2014-11-09 at 11.14.08 PM.png

Hey there @kscharf, welcome to the community!


Sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Spotify is currently investigating what's happening. I'll let you know when there is an update! 🙂

If your case is resolved, please click the 'Accept as Solution' button and add your kudos!

I've had a recent ramp in ads too, and it's not to say I don't understand the necessity or functionality of them; but at a certain point it becomes overwhelming when it seems you listen to more advertisements than actual music. (12 of the last 19 songs played have been ads, more than just a 50/50 ratio)

Just curious on why the increase of late. 


Hi there welcome to the community,
Thank you for reporting this, Spotify is currently investigating this issue. I will post here as soon as I have more information regarding this.

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Glad to hear you're investigating the issue.  Please let us know if there's any more info we can provide to help root cause the issue.  FYI, I am a non-premium user in the USA.


I am also having the same ad served to me multiple times.  See the attached screenshot.  Getting served multiple ads is not a terrible experience as long as: 1) they are not the same exact ad and 2) the total ad time isn't more than a minute (personally I think 30s would be ideal).


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