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Discounts for Students

Hello there,


I am a German student, really appreciate using Spotify it is. Are there any planes or possibilities out there to get a discount as a student or for signing for longer periods - lets say about one year or so.

Hey @daniel987 as I'm sure you've heard, Spotify now offers student discounts in dozens of markets, including Germany. You can find out more info here. Thanks for your continued feedback!

Status changed to: Under Consideration


Hey everyone, we know this idea has been marked as "Under Consideration" for some time--we're chasing an update on this for you. 

Please note this idea is slightly different to the new "Worldwide Student Discount" idea. 

Again we'll let you know when we have any news--thanks!

Student discounts for students without NUS cards would be good too! 


We want discount for students! 🙂

(already 50% off in the UK)

Discounts without NUS World be very cool!

Simfy gives a 50% Discount for students in Germany.. 😮 

But I want to stay with Spotify..  hurry up!


Are 5€ (or with full functionality 10€) really too much, considering the unlimited music library you can access whenever you want to? I mean.. We really shouldn't forget who produces the music we all love so much. Okay, right now we are not the ones who are ripping of the artists. The labels are doing this. But when they're gone, do we want to be the next ones exploiting musicians? I really don't want that to happen.


Note: I am a student too.


I´m using the 10€ version. I think the majority use it. 




400€ apartment rent

150€ living, clothes, bla bla

50€ books, etc. 

50€ phone, internet

30€ railwayticket


about 700€..

hmmmm I think there aren´t too many students that can throw around with their money..

Better 5€ than 10€. And if Simfy can do it, why not Spotify. They are almost the same

I want it to work with Maks in belgium

I would really appreciate a student discount!


May I suggest that Spotify offer an education discount for students?

$9.99 a month is a great price for when I am working, but it makes me think twice at the times of the year when I have no other income due to studies. This will probably encourage takeup of the paid models for those of us who are only a year or two away from graduation. 🙂