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Jam on Desktop app

Sync listening with friend on windows desktop app. Currently Jam is only available in mobile version

Updated on 2024-03-18

Hi there folks,


We're happy to let you all know that this feature has now been Implemented! You can find all the details on the topic in this announcement post. You're welcome to post your thoughts and feedback there as well.



Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-10-09

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange! 


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes. 


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here




The fact that it wasn't designed this way at launch is outright goofy; ESPECIALLY it should've been made clear in the release of Jam that it worked this way.

I had someone four states away from me sign up for the express purpose of using this feature with them, and guess what I DON'T want to do?

Listen through a phone speaker, nobody wants to do that.


i dont understand why this isnt on desktop. group sessions have been in spotify for at least a year now and theres still nothing besides third party solutions like discord for desktop users? seriously?


I agree it should've been like this at launch. Why implement a feature for all spotify users to use but don't even include the desktop app?


in case this doesn't get implemented (though that seems unlikely) or until it does - I believe you can work around this by starting/joining a Jam on mobile then opening spotify on desktop and changing which device the music is playing out of. I think it should work as long as you keep both devices connected to the internet and make sure the mobile app doesn't time out.

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2023-10-27

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Changing devices ends the Jam, awesome feature 😒


What even is the reason it's not available on Desktop?
Wanna listen to some songs with a couple of friends while gaming? With spotify you can't.


PLEASE make this!!!


This seems like a HUGE oversight, I can't believe this has to be petitioned instead of shipping along the Mobile version.


Yes, it's pretty useful if hanging with friends over the internet and gaming, etc. It's way better than using the phone.