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Save Albums

I'd like to be able to save full albums into their own library.


Ideally (similar to starring a single song) I could add an album to my "album collection". This would keep my playlists to a minimum and I can still have access to an entire album with one click.


I understand I can make a playlist for an entire album, but this playlist now shows up on my list of playlists, so If I ever want to listen to "my favorite slow jams" I'd have to search and scroll through all the album playlists i made, find the M's and then finally pick the my favorite slow jams playlist.


Having a seperate master library for albums, where each album would first show up as one item, until I expanded it to see the individual track listing would be great.

2014-04-25 Hey everyone! We’re excited to say this Idea status is now “Implemented”.


This month we introduced “Your Music”. Now you can save, organize and browse your favorite music. All in one place, across all platforms. For a glimpse of these changes and our new design click here.


Your Music is now available to users on desktop, web, Android and iOS.


Can we add another function to "shuffle" the entire album collection? Because soemtimes I just dont know when a song that I like is within an album, and I think that is good discovery feature.


Shuffle and cloud/offline album curation are two things that would make Spotify jump ahead of their competition, and as I'm currently evaluating services to see if I'd like to pay for a streaming service, this is rather important to me as a user.



A must have! I looked at napster and their kind of my music implementation is what's missing in spotify. I would love to have their kind of my music including my artists and my albums. Currently Playlists get very messy when having to add each album as a playlist. 




I would also suggest being able to add individual songs as well as full albums to some kind of a "try" category in "my music". Often when browsing music I find interesting other albums but I don't to add them to my "library" until I could find some time to listen to it...


Hi guys !


I really don't understand how this idea section works. It's been almost a year that the idea was posted and I see no evolution in the possibility of saving albums. Come on ! It's really one the the most important thing missing in Spotify: I wanna be able to have an "Album library" like I would have on iTunes or Windows Media (hope that makes you think: Windows Media guys... I'm almost ashamed to hold that up...), and then be able to sort by artist, release date, album name... - And of course do the same on my smartophone app...


You really need to do something about it !!


That's right... could anyone in Spotify please respond to this?

Album view is a feature that EVERY other competitor has: Deezer, Rdio...


Just throwing in my vote as well. A way to view by albums the way I can with iTunes is a necessity when you are amassing a large collection of albums.

This is a deal breaker for me. Ill be switching to Rdio once the 30 free premium offer is up...


Great Idea. I just wanted to enter this as a new idea, but I guess this describes already pretty good what I would like to have.


Besides the Playlists sections, I want to have a Albums section, in which I can add my own selection of Albums.


Of course we want to be able to mark for each album if it has to be available Offline or not, just as with playlists.


Further it would be nice to have different ways of sorting your Albums (Artist, Genre, Year of Release, ...)


Cancelled my subscription and switched to Rdio because of this. Thanks whoever proposed this...