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Save Albums

I'd like to be able to save full albums into their own library.


Ideally (similar to starring a single song) I could add an album to my "album collection". This would keep my playlists to a minimum and I can still have access to an entire album with one click.


I understand I can make a playlist for an entire album, but this playlist now shows up on my list of playlists, so If I ever want to listen to "my favorite slow jams" I'd have to search and scroll through all the album playlists i made, find the M's and then finally pick the my favorite slow jams playlist.


Having a seperate master library for albums, where each album would first show up as one item, until I expanded it to see the individual track listing would be great.

2014-04-25 Hey everyone! We’re excited to say this Idea status is now “Implemented”.


This month we introduced “Your Music”. Now you can save, organize and browse your favorite music. All in one place, across all platforms. For a glimpse of these changes and our new design click here.


Your Music is now available to users on desktop, web, Android and iOS.

This is an absolute must-have for spotify. Even simfy is using this feature. ++

Yes, brilliant idea.  I know that I can drag albums into playlists and sync them over to my mobile device, but I'd much prefer keeping a collection (to use a rdio term *hisssss*) of albums instead of a ton of playlists sorted chronologically.  

You can use Playlist folders for this. I got one named Albums and one named Collections. Try clicking File > New Playlist Folder.

@Jig Great, I used that option since the beginning, but now Spotify skipped this option in the latest update for smartphones (Android) and I'm totaly sad about that. The only way is to start up the desktop version, drag albums to my playslist and then play it with my smartphone.


I logged into the community idea exchange with the sole purpose of offering this suggestion and I am relieved to see that others have as well. There's nothing like pulling a favorite record off the shelf and I would like to experience that ame feeling everytime I open Spotify.


In rhapsody I was able to add songs or albums to my library and have them available off line through the rhapsody app on my desktop and ios device. I might consider unsubbing from spotify and going back to rhapsody due to the lack of this feature.


Yes this is needed - not only to put certain albums "on rotation', but to keep my favorites at an arms reach, or a new album kept close by in case I forget the name or artist.  Like a virtual version of my album case and in the 6 disk changer in my old car.

Status changed to: Under Consideration


Hello folks!

We also love this idea and we want it to we are going to mark this idea as "Under Consideration". We have passed it along and our team is considering it now and evaluating how could be displayed. Keep an eye on this thread for future updates.

Thanks for your contribution and ideas 😉


Must have. Grooveshark et al already have it. Hygien factor.




Absolutely a must-have feature. Hope to see this implemented soon!