Help Wizard

Step 1


[Ads] Ads Filter

I know we can't pick and choose what ads to see, but at least for a teensy bit of decency (especially for people listening to spotify in a professional work environment) can we not have half naked Victoria's Secret super sexy models?


Personally, I could care less about ads. And in fact, I am a woman who shops at Victoria's Secret. Still- I just had an awkward moment with some coworkers AND my boss. I'd like very much for that not to happen again. In the very least, how about an image that isn't half the size of the window? 


I know no one's going to agree, and believe me, I'd be the last person to complain about spotify (it's awesome). But seriously, it's a bit much.



Updated on 2020-12-07

Hi everyone,


Thank you for adding your votes and comments to this idea, we appreciate your patience.

We're just checking in, to confirm we're keeping this set to 'good idea'.


We are working on making ads more personalized, to create better experiences for our users.

Rest assured we're continuing to bring your feedback to the right teams here too.


Nobody should have to see inappropriate ads. No, children should definitely not, but nobody else should have to either. These ads can also have the potential to create a very embarrassing situation at work, home, or wherever.


We also agree that there needs to be some kind of filter for ads. We have a small child and usually listen to children's music on Spotify. We think it is horrible that when we are listening that inapropriate ads are aired. We do not want ads that advertise violent movies or alcohol to come up. We don't mind receiving ads, but feel that Spotify could do a better job of targeting ads to suit their listeners.


I just heard another Trojan Condom ad. This is ridiculous. I turned on the ad preferences, which is supposed to preference my ads according to my web searching, but it apparently didn't work completely (and maybe not at all.) Something NEEDS to be done, and SOON. 


I just encountered an Ad for a specific artist that swore repeatedly in the song that was previewed. I do not appreciate that Ad on my Spotify player since I use my Spotify when I am around younger kids/teens. It is absolutely inappropirate for people who do not care for that language to hear that in a certain environment. I have come across condom Ads and then tonight I just heard an artist continously swear in her song Ad. I know I am using a free service, but I am reconsidering buying Premium because of the service I am receiving from this. Please consider your audience. I do not mind ads especially since I am not paying you guys directly for streaming. However, I do not mind deleting this program as well as telling others to do the same for this very reason. 


I heard the THIRD Trojan condom ad today. I'm going to keep commenting every time I hear one.


I agree!! The Trojan ads should also be removed for inappropriate content. If I have to keep muting my music every time an ad comes on, then I think I should delete Spotify and urge my friends/family to do the same. 


Agreed! Super annoying to have to rush and mute a condom ad or minimize the screen when a half-naked woman/man pops up. Not only do I not want my son to see or hear those things at his age but I don't really want to see or hear them either!


With so many people asking for this why won't Spotify do something about it? I can't use this in my classroom and it's frustrating.




I agree, I've been having a problem lately where I am getting Trojan ads repetitively and it's getting annoying and awkward every time my parents are in the same room as me. This isn't those 10 second audio clips (still annoying) but the ones that pop up to the entire screen for 30 seconds but what feels like an enternity. It's particularly gross since I have seen threads on this site that claimed it's already stopped and is only available for 18+ free tiers. I was confused at first since I'm a minor and I thought already had my real birth year listed. Guess what? I did have my real birth year listed and I had been getting ads for trojan condoms consistently for hours now. The only difference I could possibly see is that I've been listening to more lgbt+ content as of late and I really don't like the implication of what this means so get rid of those advertisements please at least for those under 18. Thanks.  printscreen.jpg




Yes, I'm also under 18, and I went to check my birthdate on my account. It was correct, but I changed my birthday anyway to make it look like I am a year younger. I'm still hearing the condom ad.