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[All Platforms] Option to have a true shuffle

So I’ve been noticing more and more recently that Spotify’s default shuffle feature doesn’t fully shuffle your songs. It does some sort of grouping to try to get similar songs together based off of what I’m sure is dozens of factors. Every time I shuffle a playlist (the one I noticed this with the most is ~100 songs and 6 hours of mostly full albums) it will group the songs mostly or completely together by album/artist, and given the number of times I’ve re-shuffled and checked the order there’s no way it’s just a coincidence. They also generally seem to be in the same order as well. If I hit shuffle play on a playlist it’ll generally put the same artists at the beginning every time.


With larger playlists of albums I am really not a fan of this shuffling method. If I have 6 hours of music on a playlist I will hardly ever have 6 hours to actually listen through the whole thing, but when I do listen to it I would like to hear all of the music on it equally, and not just the artist or two your algorithm likes to shuffle to first.


Anyways, I’m a reasonable man, all I’m asking for is an option to have a true shuffle (take all songs in the list, put them in a random order, and once they’re all played reshuffle them and play them again). Make it premium only if you want. I don’t think you should scrap the current shuffle algorithm because it sucks. Looking at some of the suggestions on here it seems like some people lobbied hard to have it that way. Just add an option for a true shuffle for those of us that don’t care about potentially getting the same song twice in a row.

Updated on 2024-05-01

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for your continued engagement and valuable feedback on this idea. 


I'm afraid there hasn't been any change on the status of this idea since our last update. However, we've been reading all your comments and feedback which have been incredibly insightful. 


We’ll keep you folks posted as soon as we have any new info to share.

Yup, why address your customers #1 complaint when they still send you money
every month. I'm more than happy to give Amazon Music my money every month
while I listen to repeat free shuffles!

How much longer is it going to take to correct this ridiculous shuffle playlist issue?! This should be a very simple fix on your end, but because it's been going on for years, there must be a reason for it. Why not just come clean and tell your loyal subscribers why you won't or can't fix this? Personally, I'll be cancelling my family's premium membership if this isn't corrected in the next few weeks. 


This issue was first reported in 2020. What makes you think there is even the tiniest possibility that this will be resolved "in the next few weeks"? So, what are you delaying the inevitable for?


I had some time this afternoon so I got on a chat with Spotify Customer Service about this. She told me to sign out of my account, close the phone app, then sign back in. I did that, then started shuffle playing the same playlist (about 200 songs) that I was getting a lot of repeats on earlier today. Guess what... NO REPEATS! Now granted, I didn't have time to let the songs play all the way through, but listening to a few seconds and then skipping to the next song brought me through the entire playlist in random mode without a single repeat. I'll pay close attention as I listen in the car as normal to see if this really corrected the problem or if it just works when skipping through songs quickly. I'll post the results in a few days. If this works, I can't believe the answer is to just sign out and sign back in! Have any of you tried that? Did it work for you? 


A few posts back someone mentioned songs were being removed from the liked songs playlist.


I'm currently listening to an Indie recommended playlist which should consist of a chunk of songs from my liked songs and some algorithmic recommended songs, to my surprise 99% of the playlist is in my "liked songs" (or so I thought).  On playing about 75% of the songs which I thought were in my list were no longer showing as liked!.


So added to the fact the shuffle is terrible, now they're removing liked songs, making the chance of hearing something I really want to impossible.


What the **bleep** is going on!



To be fair, I don't think it's helping when artists keep remastering/renaming and adding to best of albums etc, I think a good bulk of those songs are reissues without actually stating that.  Which in theory if it's liked twice should stand more of a chance of showing up 😄


This would definitely be a really useful feature for me! I have a bunch of playlists that I create for myself and most of these are 100+ songs but I always find myself listening to the same 20 songs or so. A true shuffle feature would be great so I can get the true variation in my playlists as they are supposed to be! 🙂



Words of peace here, early in July-- --  IMG_0862.jpeg  -- ... .....


I want my shuffle to be as random as it gets, with zero influence. Respectfully, isn't this a feature that even first generation iPods had? | love Spotify so much — my discover weekly is great, the local concerts feature is awesome, the recommended songs to add to playlists, etc. — but I would give up ALL of the fancy features just to be able to shuffle randomly. Please hear us out! 

It is very likely the EASIEST request in the Live Ideas queue. Low effort, high impact!


Agreed! If I listen to a song all the way through instead of skipping it, I guarantee it will play another song by the same artist within the 4 next songs. And it keeps on playing the same 20 or so songs I've added most recently. If I'm shuffling my goal is variety and novelty but I keep getting fed the same things.


garbage answer