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[Amazon Alexa] Swap Spotify accounts without changing Alexa account

I have a Spotify Family account for myself and my wife


I have an alexa unit in every room, every unit is using MY amazon account as all the lights and home automation can only be setup on one Amazon account


I want to play Spotify in the room i’m in


My wife wants to play her music in a different room


Both myself and my wife also want to use the home automation whilst playing music, eg, turning on the lights


This can be done using Apple music and Amazon music but Spotify require to swap to a different spotify account for the other person


To swap to a different spotify account means changing the Alexa profile of the alexa device and then all the home automation no longer works from that device. 


Please can you allow both myself and my wife to play music in different rooms WITHOUT having to change the Amazon Alexa account


It would be great if I could say ‘Alexa, play spotify from Trevors account’ and my wife could say in a different room, at the same time, ‘Alexa, play spotify from Jackie’s account’ 


This is not a duplicate of other suggestions, I’ve checked and anything close was raised before the ability to swap alexa accounts was implemented. Swapping alexa accounts is only a work around and is not a solution to this problem.


Many people want this feature and your chat team said I should raise it here


Here is a link to the forum, lots of people are leaving spotify because only spotify do not support this feature, you guys need to catch up


From my research it seems there is talk about Spotify only has one concurrent music stream whereas Apple and Amazon music have multiple streams, but please can you improve on this, the thread above was started over 18 months ago, something should be done to improve on this issue


Again, please don’t write this off as a duplicate and do nothing/say it relates to a 3rd party, people still want this feature




Trevor Rowe



Folks, just a quick update on this.

Spotify say this

The Community team talks with various other Spotify teams several times a month about ideas with over 500 votes (our criteria for being a top idea). It’s from these meetings that we apply one of the following statuses to each idea….

This idea has reached over 500 votes so I asked on chat for timescales/what will happen next and was told to keep an eye on this thread.


That really sounded open ended!


As the person on chat could only deal with app and account queries, I was told to also contact the support team to get action on this

So as well as voting for this issue (please continue), 


Spotify need to keep up with Apple and Amazon and fix this issue - with your help we might just get this solved!

Updated on 2021-06-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Please take the time to contact Spotify about this.  I've submitted a request for my part, but I'm just one user.  There are millions of users out there with both Spofity and Alexa who could benefit if you spend some time on it and tell them it's what we want.


That would be 👍

We have the same situation here. With Amazon Music Family subscription it is working perfectly. Only Spotify isn't working that way.

Please change it dear Spotify Team! I want to come back to Spotify!!!


June of 2021 got enough votes and it’s not fixed yet (currently Feb 2023). I just down graded my Spotify Family plan and looking to move to Amazon Music Family or something else that works. Between this issue and the lack of basic podcast features, Spotify is not worth the hassle anymore. To pay for a service that doesn’t work is stupid. It should be a free service with all the issues it has.


Me too, change to Amazon Music Family Plan seems the best idea. 


Adding my story to this thread as well...I actually tried switching from Amazon Music to a Spotify Family Premium plan this afternoon, because everything I read said you could play on up to 6 devices at once. It was never specified that that meant you actually needed 6 separate accounts, and each device would have to be registered to one of those accounts. I had to immediately cancel Spotify (there's $16 I'm not getting back...) and switch back to my Amazon Music Family plan. All 5 of our Alexa devices are registered to my Amazon account so I can manage them, and my kids are able to play different music on all of them simultaneously from my one account. Please fix this Spotify!


21 pages of comments and still not working for us.


Something I did find that you can do is say "Alexa, play Spotify connect" and then use a phone or other device logged in to the account you want to use, and then that room is available to connect to.  But it's a bit of a pain that you can't just do it directly from the Echo.


The thing that keeps me from switching to Amazon music is that I hate the poor phone interface for Amazon Music




That's exactly what I'm having to do as a temporary measure at my partner's place right now so that I don't cross-pollinate my music tastes with hers. But this isn't a long-term solution because:


- It defeats the point of having a voice-controlled speaker

- The connection between Alexa and Spotify constantly drops out and needs to be reconnected

- So far there seems to be no way to have it play on speaker groups, only individual speakers


SPOTIFY: You already know the solution to this, Amazon have made the API available so please incorporate into the Spotify Alexa skill. Pandora have done it just fine!


So i just quit with Spotify. And also leave a comment that's bad to see, that no one takes care of this "problem".

Maybe we will be back from Amazon Music if Spotify will hear and solve this. 


3  years and it’s not fixed! Unbelievable I always stick my neck out for Spotify because majority of people when I tell them I have it say about how crappy it is versus Amazon or Apple music and you know what I just upgraded to the family plan so my children can use their own accounts and listen to music in their own rooms on their own devices. I’ll be downgrading back to the single plan now thank you. This is ridiculous . 


Just to keep saying it, Spotify aren't going to change this unless they're made to. If you are reading this because this issue affects you too, please:


  1. Add your voice here
  2. Vote wherever possible, it does get logged
  3. Contact Spotify support and tell them you want this feature

Do all of these or they'll just sit back and keep things as they are.