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[Desktop][Other] Option to maximize album cover in fullscreen

I suspect this was an oversight in the latest update, but the album cover is now tiny in full-screen mode, making room for the background on the artist's profile instead. There seems to be no way to maximize the album cover, which I'd rather be looking at. I'd like that option back!


Updated on 2021-08-03

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Just joining this thread again because oh my god am I tired of looking at blurry, badly cropped pictures of the artists. Did the CEO's son make this decision or something? Why hasn't it been reverted? I would bet my life that Spotify receives zero positive feedback on this change, yet concludes that the majority of their userbase endorses it. Just because most people can't be bothered to join this useless forum doesn't mean that they're happy they can no longer see the album art - you know, the thing that was DESIGNED TO BE LOOKED AT. It's absurd. Do they not use their own app? There are 23 pages of people sharing the same sentiment here. 


Recently Spotify rolled out a new desktop client which allowed to click on the artwork.

Then kind of a popup shows up, showing the art work a bit bigger.


But Spotify: we live now in nearly 2024, and we have 4k screens. Why don't you show the cover art as big as possible?

See attachment, it is ridiculous how small the art work is shown.


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 13.40.05.png


album art at the android TV app is way to small


I genuinely don't under how it's so difficult to make a toggle for this. On desktop, fullscreening actually tends to make the album art smaller. Awful, horrible no-good design decisions. Please fix immediately. 


2024 and this small little feature that costumers have been asking for years and still it haven't been implemented...!

Why is it so difficult or what is the implications for Spotify to make that happen?

Since that clicking on the album cover makes it possible to show the art work bigger on the screen, why not allowing the same on Full Screen mode?

Come on guys, Spotify developers...  It's just a few lines of code and bang, you have happy costumers!

Please, make it happen.


Here in 2024 asking why this isn't a feature yet? 


Is this still a problem or a new one? In 2024 we can not see the album cover in full screen mode... 
Please enable it!


The wait is unbearable. Spotify why are you ignoring this?


This is just ridiculous


Yo...Spotify!  When I'm listening to one artist across multiple albums, it's super boring to look at a crappy cropped image of them you all have on file. Bring back the album art.  WTAF? How hard of an implement is this that your community has been asking for for years and how does it cost you money? Just do it already