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[LightOS] Support Lightphone 2

I've been using Spotify for years and I recently have moved to a more minimalist type of "smart" phone called LightPhone 2. I just wish there was a way to download spotify music and podcasts to my phone. 

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Any updates on this? Spotify, work with Light phone, please!


I enjoy using my Spotify music. I’ve been using it for approximately five years. Yeah, it would be unfortunate to leave it behind seeing that I want to better my day-to-day life with a better day-to-day life phone. And I feel as if when the phone gets more popular, there would be less demand for Spotify and more demand for personal interaction. Per se it would be better for business if Spotify was accessible through a device such as. Just my opinion 


I reckon it would be a good move for Spotify, too. For a phone with minimal tools you’d want to be the first music player on there. 


I don't want to leave Spotify, but it's getting trickier to use it when it does not work with my light phone and I have almost completely left computers


I would be extremely appreciative of this service. 


I would really love this on the Light phone, I think it'd be a huge game changer and it'd also increase my usage of Spotify over Youtube


I find it really shameful that the spotify team to date after more than 3000 votes has not let us know anything! I invite anyone who has a subscription to unsubscribe!


Hey Spotify,


Hurry up.




I would really benefit from a Light Phone II Spotify app! The lack of Spotify is really the only downside left to this simple but elegant phone. I don't know if I can justify keeping Spotify premium is I can't use it on my phone.


The only reason I haven’t made the leap to light phone is because of Spotify. That is the sole reason! You will be doing the public a favour, and saving us all from mental health issues if you would just find a way to come together with Light phone ii