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[LightOS] Support Lightphone 2

I've been using Spotify for years and I recently have moved to a more minimalist type of "smart" phone called LightPhone 2. I just wish there was a way to download spotify music and podcasts to my phone. 

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I have been using the light phone 2for a few months now. I love it, but the biggest downfall is not having Spotify, so I feel like I'm stuck still using my other device to use Spotify. I'd really like to not be tied to using my other device because at times it feels like it defeats the purpose of having my light phone. If Spotify added a version for the light phone it would make such a huge difference for me. In addition, I have a lot of friends who want to switch to the light phone but the only thing holding them back is that they wouldn't be able to have Spotify. Please add Spotify!


I would love having Spotify in my light phone. But this has 3 thousand votes and if there is no change, I'm afraid a'll cancel my Spotify plan.


Are we unable to vote on this now? This would be a great feature!


PLEASE do this. I've been trying to switch phones and all I want is directions and spotify. The 'dumb' phone is gaining even more traction and I would love to not carry an MP3 player as well. If it goes that route, I would unfortunately be cancelling my family plan since we could no longer use it as intended.


I will never make an account with spotify... I will continue on qobuz and tidal... it's incredible after years not having a minimal response from the spotify team


So the latest update was 2 years and a month ago - just out of curiosity, how long are suggestions active for voting until closed? What I am after - can this be a live vote foreve? Really am wanting to switch to the light phone, however, as the music feature with spotify is not there, it makes it a tough one at the moment.


I hope Spotify gets added soon. As one of the biggest Spotify users and fans I know, this would be HUGE for me and considering getting the Light Phone soon!!!!!!! I feel like getting Spotify on the phone interface is a win-win. What's the holdup?


Spotify please make this happen!! Really want you to be compatible with the Light Phone.


Dear Spotify


I’ve committed to switching to the Light Phone 2 and I would love to bring your service along with me. Till then I’ll be unsubscribing but I’ll be eager to resubscribe when this feature is released!!




I’d really love if I could ditch my smartphone, I’ve been looking into dumb phones and I’d love to make the transfer so bad, but I really need my music with me! Whether it’s in the car or on a walk