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[Mobile] Create & manage Playlist Folders

It would be nice to be able to better organize playlists in folders on the mobile apps.  Or at the very least, specify which folder a playlist should go in when it is first created.  Right now, in iOS, any playlists that I create are just added to the main list, without giving the option to put them in a folder, and it is not possible to move playlists to/from folders.  I'm assuming this will be the same on Android when it is implemented.

Updated on 2019-10-29

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
For now we'll be keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.
Thanks .


Given that just last year this got updated to ‘not right now’ I really don’t have high hopes for this ever being taken seriously, sadly. I love Spotify and I don’t plan on ever using any other streaming service, but this is something that bugs me more and more every day, like many others here I have well over 100 playlists combined, ones that I’ve created and others that I’ve followed, it feels cluttered & horrible because it IS cluttered & horrible. As small of an issue it may seem, it does have an effect on my mental health and I’m sure others feel the same, I listen to music every day, meaning I have to search through and look at this cluttered mess every time I want to find a certain playlist, which is very often, it’s an eyesore and surprisingly tiring. But it’s the same concept as having a cluttered, messy room in your house, it’s going to stress you out and take a toll on you. All I want is to simply be able to add all of these extra playlists I follow into my ‘Others’ folder (which I created when I had a laptop, it’s been broken for many months and I’m still unable to get it fixed). My bedroom for example is very organised and I like to keep it that way, my mental health benefits massively because of this. The difference with the ugly mess on Spotify is that I literally don’t have the ability to even attempt to tidy it up, and it’s pretty infuriating. Yes, this ramble was probably way too long but it’s pretty important to me, please listen to us. 🙂 I really hope we’re able to see this change in the near future, cheers for everything you all do, it’s greatly appreciated 💙


It's truly a shame this got labeled as "not right now" when it's one of the most needed features on mobile. I can't use the desktop version because my PC has been broken for months now and I've been unable to get it repaired because of the quarantine, so I can't use this feature that is vital to my own enjoyment of the platform as it is for many, many others. It's horrible to have everything so cluttered and disorganized. I have my own playlists and the ones I've followed all mixed up together without a way to sort them. I really don't understand why this hasn't been taken seriously


I do find it frustrating that still in 2020 I am unable to create and move folders around on mobile/Chromebook; I haven't used a desktop or other computer since at least 2018 and I used to be so proud of how my playlists were organized. Is this something you could please consider? It's a serious detriment to my Spotify use. 


Spotify really should stop acting so stupid and just start appeasing it’s users for a change instead of thinking they(Spotify) know what is best as it really doesn’t understand it’s customers very well. Business 101 Spotify keep your customers happy otherwise one of the other services might start doing it instead which means no more customers for Spotify!


ugh yes please!!!!! my playlists completely rearranged their order the other day without me changing them, and even when i moved them back into their correct folders on desktop, they're still out of place on mobile for me. it would be really nice to be able to fix that issue


I really wish this existed as well. Would love to be able to organize my playlists when I am out and about. As of now I rarely find time to sit at my computer to do it, but on mobile I could find some time here and there.


How hard is to implement this?

Seriously, the app is terrible in terms of organization. How come I can't sort playlists by name either?

Between that and no lossless playback, I'm trying Tidal right now.


I would love folders. I have to scroll through 40 items to find a playlist because there is no basic sort/group function. Seems like low hanging fruit. Thanks. 


Please for the love of God implement this feature. We've been waiting too long. How does it not make sense asked an essential feature? Especially as more and more people use mobile devices exclusively? If you have more than a few Playlists, you probably want to organize them into folders. There is currently no way to do this on mobile. Doesn't seem like it would take that much effort from the genius engineers over at Spotify. Please finally make this happen. 


This is 2020, not 1990. Please implement this ASAP 💪🏼