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[Music] Shuffle by Album

Simple enough concept:  Shuffle by albums instead of by tracks, for those of us who prefer full-album listening.


Should function at least within playlists and the play queue.  Perhaps it could also work in radio mode.

Updated on 2019-10-27

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
We're keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. 
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.

Status changed to: Not Right Now

Updated on 2019-10-27

Hey folks,
We really appreciate so many of you coming to the Community, adding your votes and comments to this idea!
We're keeping this idea at 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. 
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


Badly needed option.


I have just bought a Google Home mini and am horrified that when I ask for a symphony or concerto album it starts in shuffle mode at a random movement and doesn't play the rest in order - and there is no way I can find through the Google Assistant to undo this. 

This is hopeless for classical music listening.

I am on a free trial at the moment and will certainly not be continuing if this isn't fixed.


I think Spotify is fundamentally anti-album. Just look at the way they treat albums in your library.... 

Spotify needs data from you to train the bot, if you just go through each album as a whole, that will inject so much unwanted correlation in the data. Spotify also get paid to display tracks to you at prominent places and playlists. They want you to primarily listen to what they push to you. 

I don’t like the fact the Spotify is not transparent with their users. That’s why I would never trust Spotify and have enough faith in this company. It always feel like they have an agenda and don’t have user’s best interest in mind. 


I've wanted this for a very long time, and literally no players do this. Maybe I should just make my own....

Hey iakwe,

Only iTunes on my PC did this and my old IPod haha however I did find one
app called shuttle. If you make a playlist in that it does album shuffle
but getting all my music onto my phone took forever and then it was just a
hassle. I don't understand why as paying customers we can have this tiny
feature added. I will try your app when you make it haha



I just wanted to bump this thread, as I was about to post something similar, but then googled up this old topic. No real 'album radio' is the reason why I usually switch to YT autoplay when listening to music at home (while song radios and daily mixes are great when 'on the go'). It is possible to add several albums to the queue in Spotify, but it spoils the whole fun of getting surprised with amazing album recommendations. An option to switch from track radio to full album radio would be lovely.


OK, Spotify ain't into doing this but an alternative solution is:

This will pick an album at random from your library which you can then play.

It'll do until Spotify actually come up with something!


That album selector is looking really nice as well!


Also, if you're for native android give this one a try:

Full disclosure... its mine. Like others I got fed up and made my own solution.


Awesome thanks Ill check out your app!!