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[Music] Tag Music

It'd be awesome to be able to add my own tags to all of my songs in playlists, so I can easily and specifically sort my songs how I like.


Should be a pretty simple tool to implement.



Updated on 2018-10-05

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're keeping this idea as 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




Come on Spotify, why is is so hard to understand that people just want some way to sort their albums? Dont really mind how you do it, be it by tags or folders etc etc, just help us out so that we can have some sort of order to our album collection.

Have to agree, finding an album I want to listen to is a laborious job,
alphabetically is not good enough, tabs or folders would be better than

I would recommend also voting for this very similar proposal: Creating "collections" of albums for better music library management. It has gathered 802 votes.


Maybe Spotify will pay attention to these proposals one day.


Hi All,

Tagging songs in a playlist would in most cases eliminate the need for separate playlists.
For example I have a playlist which I'd like to play to two different parties; one of which likes growling vocals, the other doesn't. If only the shuffle function would have a checkbox for the 'growling' tag I've added previously, I could use the same playlist in both cases as the majority of the two lists (in this case the entirety of the clean vocal list) would be the same anyway. Maybe I have some dorkly songs put there for suprise. I could control if shuffle would play them or not depending on the mood... and so on.


I'd favor this other idea where one could tag albums and artists, in addition to be able to tag songs. I never use playlists as I prefer listening to full albums. Currently, looking for an album in my library is **bleep** as there is no way to organize it. I wish I could tag my albums, then filter them by tag.


Doesn't Spotify realize that the more efforts users would put in organizing their library, the more attached they would be to the service and the least likely they would be leaving for the competition?


Another vote for this idea.


Tags are so much better than playlists. I can add multiple tags for each song. Family, friends, folk, rock, exercise, embarrassing, classical, guilty pleasures, video games, movies, explicit, party,etc.

Then, I can create playlists made up of songs that contain certain tags and not others. T I can make an introspective playlist, a party for  friends, a party for family, a moving personal one, etc. All could be done by defining a playlist of a set of tags included / excluded.
It could even be implemented as a super playlist. A playlist could be used as a tag, and super playlist as an intersection / union of playlists.
Spotify is the best. Make it even better with tags!
Status changed to: Not Right Now

Updated on 2018-10-05

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're keeping this idea as 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.



The first music app to do this get's my money. I appreciate your discover
music playlist, but playlist creation is what keeps me loyal to one
platform. This idea would make playlist creation so smooth and amazing that
I would immediately switch to whoever offers it.

I wouldn't swap playlists with tags. I'd like to make notes to myself or identify specific types of songs in my playlists with the tag, not just create yet ANOTHER list of songs. I'd want to be able to remind myself why I put that song in a playlist or write down timestamps of the song that I particularly like.