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[Playlists] Play multiple selected Playlists

Sometimes I'm getting tired of listening to a specific playlist or style, so I want to listen to a mix of playlists.
It would be great to have a function to select multiple playlists to play.

Updated on 2019-01-15

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


After speaking to the right teams, we're keeping this idea as 'Not Right Now', as it isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




Sequential Shuffling

With multiple playlist playback, I would like to have the ability to sequentially rotate the shuffle play between two or more playlists.  That is, it would randomly select from a playlist A, then select from playlist B, then playlist C, and finally back to playlist A -- in sequential order. 

This would allow my family to take turns listening to the music we prefer -- many arguments in the car could be avoided this way. 🙂  But it would be nice to exchange music with friends this way too, when we get together for social gatherings.


If this feature won't be implemented soon, I'll go back to AMAZON music.


To shuffle play all playlists I have to say:




That is all.


Love this idea.  Scenario: i host a camping trip for 20 people with different music tastes.  Instead of setting up an individual playlist on my desktop at home with requests like i used to that can take forever, I'd love to save time and make everyone happy on the fly; pick 1 country playlist, 1 80s playlist, one rock and 1 hard core rap and hit shuffle and be done!!  Playing all country or rock for an hour at a time drives big groups crazy.


I had the same idea and was directed here to vote for this one. I would add that maybe I decide to add another playlist to the mix. There could be a bit of a design question there. Lets say that list 1 has (A B C), list 2 has (1 2 3), and list 3 has (Do Re Mi). You start your mix with just 1 and 2 and you get a shuffled mix of (C 3 2 B A 1). After listening to C 3 and 2, you decide that you also want list 3 shuffled in. I wouldn't want to potentially listen to the same music again without hearing the rest of the music. In that case, I should either get (Mi A Re Do B 1 C 3 2), shuffling the new playlist with just the rest of the mix and then sticking the already heard stuff on the end or (Mi A Re Do B 1) + (C 3 2) The new playlist shuffled with the rest of the old and then shuffle the listened to portion back in when I am done. I just wouldn't want to finish 2, add a list to the mix and then get 3 again by the pseudo-random chance of the shuffle. 

In case you can't tell, this is from a software developer's perspective...


I think this idea would be so awesome! I have been thinking of how nice it would be for a while, and have shared the idea with my friends as well and they always think it would be helpful for them as well.

Sometimes I would like to listen from different music genres/playlists that I have at the same time, and adding each song to the queue is a hassle, and I can't decide which songs I want. The way I can get around this is to download the playlists I choose to listen to, making sure all other playlists are not downloaded, and making sure that each song on those playlists are liked. Then I go to my Liked Songs, filter downloaded songs, and play from there. Whereas that works, it is a hassle as well. 

Adding this feature would be super helpful because then one could make multiple playlists with more specific music genres, and then just choose the mixed genres that they are in the mood for at that time. It would be awesome as well for friends to temporarily combine their playlists on trips or at parties. It would also be very cool to be able to do this with different artists. If there are a few specific artists that I want to check out at a time when finding new music, and if I could shuffle from all of them it would make it much easier. 


Just here because I was after the same feature.

I'd really appreciate the ability to start listening to a playlist, and then with a few clicks/swipes be able to add another playlist or two in the mix. Perhaps there could be a menu with some check boxes of which playlists to play.

If this is to work as I hope, I'd have spofify shuffling through 2 or 3 playlists at a time.

It's important to be able to select playlists on the fly rather than create a large playlist with all the tracks I want as this would enable a good variety of music.

Thanks for reading 🙂


Have the capability to select multiple playlists to shuffle together. Also, alter the arrangement of the songs in a playlist.


Spotify, why is this so difficult to implement? It is a BASIC feature with all other services. If the posts here don't motivate you, please pay attention to your competition as they all do it. 


It seems this could be like how Pandora has the "Shuffle stations", but instead of mixing multiple playlists, this would be to shuffle the order of multiple playlists, playing one whole playlist after another.


It should work, by just adding the ability to add playlists to the queue, like albums can be.


That way, it would leave the possibility open for the "Shuffle stations" feature that Pandora has to be implemented on Spotify, also.


Excellent idea !! I wrote something like this few days ago and I have been directed to your post


Hope a lot of people will vote here 😉