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I don't care if this has been submitted a hundred times over, you Spotify devs clearly need to hear it. You should *not* have to go through the effort of finding the "liked songs" playlist, just to add a song to Liked, when you have a ton of playlists. Playlists don't even sort like they used to, it seems almost random which playlists show first despite which ones I interacted with last - but that's not the issue here; it's just yet another downside of the problem at hand.


Please. Please. Please.

Bring back the **bleep** 'liked'/heart button on songs and albums. Having to add liked songs to my liked playlist manually just leads to me adding it to different playlists because it's so **bleep** tedious in the first place. I've been adding songs to playlists and then using the PC version to mass-add songs to Liked because you make it so inconvenient on mobile. This isn't user-friendly in the slightest.


Just, why? Why can't you just bring back the little heart? I thought the point of liked songs was to add songs then and there; not to have to stop in the street to add a song to a playlist because it now takes several seconds to do so. I've been paying for Premium since 2009, and now I'm wondering if you're worth the effort. Fire whoever told you it was a good idea to remove the Liked button, seriously. Fire yourselves for listening, too.

Updated on 2025-03-01

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my desktop was updated and i got the heart back but they added a
minus button to remove which i think is useless because you can just click
the heart or the plus-(if you still have the plus button)- to remove the

I just realized this is EVEN WORSE than I thought.  I was listening to a song in my aforementioned "playlist of things I'm interested in listening to but haven't yet, so I don't know if I like them or not."  And maybe the song was kind of interesting but I most definitely had never heard it before... except there's a little check that to me says "yes, I've liked this song":



Except I HAVEN'T... it's just indicating that the song is in a playlist... not that I've liked it: 



Spotty, my man... my boy... my tiresome lad... i *know* the song exists in a playlist. i'm listening to it in a playlist. but i put it in this playlist heaven knows when, and now that i'm finally listening to it, my question is not "is this song in a playlist"... it's "have I listened to this in the past, and if so, did I like it?"


I have no desire for a "this song is in one of your playlists" indicator.  I *only* care if I've marked the song as something I like.  If so, then I can say "great, good job me" and go back to work.  If not, I can say "wow, I like this. let's mark it. maybe later I'll add it to a playlist, maybe not. that's not what i care about right now."  


However, now there is total ambiguity.  Did I like this song? Maybe. I dunno. To find out, I have to click on something.


This is terrible and it hurts and is honestly making my reconsider whether or not I should continue spending the $17 a month on a family premium account because there's a lot of options around that don't **bleep** around with their like buttons every year or so.


I was devastated when they took away the green heart next to liked songs! I relied on it for maintaining and curating playlists. All these clunky, distasteful UI changes are really making me consider jumping ship to Apple Music or something.


Isn't this already implemented?


This is one of those changes that makes me question if the Spotify devs ever used their product....


How does it make sense to be able to like songs and create a playlist with liked songs without being able to see in one glance which songs are liked and which songs are not?


I NEED the distinction between regular songs and my favorite songs on a playlist. Bring it back, you bunch of *@&*$&@*


I don't care if it's a heart or a check mark or whatever. But I would like that the symbol is shown, when the song is in my "Liked Songs" rather than in any playlist. I have playlists for friends and family, where I put songs I think they might like. But I don't want them to be shown with a checkmark. In addition I might forget to add something to my liked songs, because I think it's already there, but it's only on some playlist I manage.


OK now that this change has made it's way to mobile clients, you've also made Car Mode more distracting and dangerous.  When I'm listening in my car and I hear a song I like, I want to tell at a glance if I've already hit "like".  Now this indicator only tells me if the song is in a playlist, which *might* include the "Liked songs" playlist.  So what happens when I press this button?  Another menu comes up with all of my playlists.  Now my attention is off the road.  Isn't the point of Car Mode that everything is simple so the application isn't a dangerous distraction?


This UX where "like" and "add to playlist" are smashed into the same button is really broken, and its side effects have a large blast radius throughout the application. Please please walk it back. Don't combine these things.


The golden rule of usability is


Do not change functionality unless you really really have to.


It is fine trying to make it easier to add a song to several playlists. 

But replacing the heart button to do that was a really bad idea.

Another bad idea was to ignore the community that told you one year ago not to do this.


I rarely complain about anything with Spotify as it is my favourite app. But removing the heart icon functionality is a big misstep. Now it is very frustrating to see which songs I have in my liked songs playlist without having to click multiple times.


I understand why you've added the plus button as it is useful adding to multiple playlists, but why not keep both the plus and heat button? Replacing the heart with the plus has taken away the ease and usability of being able to quickly add and remove songs from my liked songs playlist.


Spotify could even combine both: Make the button heart-shaped it the song is in the favorite list, else make it round.