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I don't care if this has been submitted a hundred times over, you Spotify devs clearly need to hear it. You should *not* have to go through the effort of finding the "liked songs" playlist, just to add a song to Liked, when you have a ton of playlists. Playlists don't even sort like they used to, it seems almost random which playlists show first despite which ones I interacted with last - but that's not the issue here; it's just yet another downside of the problem at hand.


Please. Please. Please.

Bring back the **bleep** 'liked'/heart button on songs and albums. Having to add liked songs to my liked playlist manually just leads to me adding it to different playlists because it's so **bleep** tedious in the first place. I've been adding songs to playlists and then using the PC version to mass-add songs to Liked because you make it so inconvenient on mobile. This isn't user-friendly in the slightest.


Just, why? Why can't you just bring back the little heart? I thought the point of liked songs was to add songs then and there; not to have to stop in the street to add a song to a playlist because it now takes several seconds to do so. I've been paying for Premium since 2009, and now I'm wondering if you're worth the effort. Fire whoever told you it was a good idea to remove the Liked button, seriously. Fire yourselves for listening, too.

Updated on 2025-03-01

Thank you for sharing your feedback with the Spotify Ideas Exchange.

Your suggestion has been marked as a Live Idea and will be reviewed by the Spotify staff once it receives enough votes. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to your continued support of this idea!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


According to a Reddit user, the heart icon has returned to the side of his favorite songs. It puts several screenshots. He is an Indian user, and he says that hearts are back without any update. Let's hope it is something generalized for all users. Until I see it I don't know whether to believe it... we already know Spotify and their stupid A/B tests.


I just designed how I believe the heart button could be brought back in a way that merges both the suggestions from the community. My designs brings back the heart button in a way I believe Spotify would be happy with also.


You can check out my design process here which includes all the designs at the end -


> We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users.


The original suggestion had 48 likes and the news post has 49 likes. At the time of writing this idea has 1093 votes and even assuming there is no overlap between the 2 posts this has 10x more.


> For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.

That says a good suggestion just means it has 50 +Votes in under 3 months. A live idea is ideas that have gathered 180 +Votes in under 6 months.

Why is this just a good suggestion when it has gathered 1080 in 2 months?


PLEASE bring the heart back.
Spotify is almost unusable without it.

For festivals I make a mega playlist with songs from all the artists.

I then listen to it on random and LIKE/HEART songs I like.

Later I then review to see which bands/artists I should listen more to, or go see.

Just because a song is in a playlist does NOT mean I like it.

HAVE A HEART, please.


Isn't being able to view at a glance which songs we really really like in any playlist a must-have feature for any music player ?
What's the point of removing that ?


Is Spotify so out of touch with its users ? Are they even using their own product ?


"The Community team talks with various other Spotify teams several times a month about ideas that have gathered enough votes. It’s from these meetings that we apply one of the following statuses to each idea: 


Good Suggestion

Your idea has reached the first threshold - it has more than 50 +Votes in under 3 months. 


Live Idea 

Ideas that have gathered 180 +Votes in under 6 months get this status and they are brought to the attention of the Spotify team.

Bonus: We’ll also be looking at ideas that might have been closed initially due to not enough votes but eventually have reached 500 +Votes in under 18 months.


Under Consideration

This feature is coming. We have a rough timeline for a release.


After this stage there are usually 2 possible outcomes:



This feature has rolled out. Yay!


Case Closed

We talked about this internally but it’s not on our timeline right now. That doesn't mean it never will be."



Spotify: 1124 votes in 75 days!


1124 votes in 75 days!!!  There should be a new status:


"We were wrong. Sorry, we are that stupid"

Ideas that have gathered 1000 +Votes in under 70 days.


This feels like Spotify took the like button from a helpful feature to a glorified extra playlist. Adding songs to your liked has never been more annoying, and I feel like it's a direct downgrade that they removed the heart that used to appear next to songs. I used to be able to tell at a glance of a playlist which songs I had liked, but now I must check a song individually if I want to know if I liked it.

I disliked the like-button change to start, but was ok with it. However, now that they have removed a feature in the form of changing an important UI component, I am upset. This is the kind of thing that could actually make people consider changing apps.


Spotify I wish you would at least acknowledge the huge response you're getting about this.


I mean more than a meaningless auto response. 


I've been trying to adapt to the loss of a CRITICAL feature. I don't know if this has always been around, or if it's a new workaround that I just never needed to use before, but hiding "Save to your Liked Songs" in the ellipsis button adds 2 extra clicks (and I have to READ all the other options to find the one I want) as opposed to the single heart click before.


It sounds like such a small thing to complain about but when it was SO EASY before, this feels like a massive downgrade, a slap in the face to users actually. 


And I can't even see my likes in my playlist... that was how I distinguished my favorites. The LIKE was an important tool for distinguishing songs from one another WITHIN playlists. Now you've thrown it in the trash. 




I NEED THIS BACK SPOTIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!