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Can't sync music to offline mode

Can't sync music to offline mode

I have a problem when syncing music to my phone, excluding applications and after some time I turn again in offline mode I must again sync music. My phone is Nokia Lumia 720 with Windows Phone 8.1 PfD. I have so when the application is installed on the memory card.

22 Replies

I'm experiencing the same thing, really annoying.

I'm having the same issue, it downloads the music for offline mode, then after some time (1-2 minutes) it starts to download again (if I turn off WI-FI and mobile data it's unusable), if I let it download it does it repeatedly.  In the offline&sync menu it states that i have 4100ish MB downloaded, but can't play anything offline.


Edit: Using a Lumia 820 with WP8.1

I moved the app from my SD-card and over to the phone storage, and now it works as it should. I guess the app is not compatible with SD-storage.

Yes, aplication not supported SD memory

So you think it's permanent or they'll fix it after an official wp 8.1 launch?

With old version it worked, WHY YOU RUINED IT?

The old version didn't support SD card storage either to my knowledge?

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Having the same issue, really frustrating when my offline playlists are larger than my phone storage...SD storage needs to be supported now what WP 8.1 has the capability. Not good enough really, renders the main use of my premium account useless...Please fix ASAP!

Well, spotify itself didnt support SD card storage, but wp 8.1 (dev release) does. It now allows to store any app on SD card including spotify. The previous app version was able to use offline sd card music without any problems.

Disappointing 😞 I never used the older version on my WP. Is there any way to download the previous version? 


Edit: I seem to have a temporary fix.. I stopped the sync before it finished by switching to offline mode... Seems strange, as long as the sync doesn't complete the tracks are playable offline- except the ones that didnt finish syncing obviously!


But origianl issue remains...if it completes, all tracks start syncing over again


EDIT2: This really was a temporary fix and lasted all on 15 minutes 😞

To be fair, WP8.1 is a "developers preview", not an official release and saving to SD-card is as yet an unreleased feature.

Yep, that's right. It's not official, so we have to wait for real wp 8.1 release. Anyway, they have to fix It in one month, not one year.

@DryMarker wrote:

To be fair, WP8.1 is a "developers preview", not an official release and saving to SD-card is as yet an unreleased feature.

So? They know, that Windows Phone will be able to save to SD to everybody very soon.

I have the same problem and phone as the topic starter. I could only wish that Spotify will fix this issue before official launch date as this may take several months depending your operator, WP phone model and country. Bug does not seems to be hard to fix as previous version of the client did work quite well when installing it into SD card.


I'm afraid that WP users are not going to get a native SD-card support to the client for a long time. It may take even a year after official

release date of WP 8.1. Hope I’m wrong, but version update history ain't flattering on WP platform.


Is there any place to download previous version of the client? Why this is not possible?


I live the new app itself, but this has really been making me angry. And its eaten up like half my data in the last day and a half. The pre-update app would definitely save to the sd card. Really hope it gets fixed. Moving it onto my phone now. Hopefully that works.

Ok I noticed a really wierd thing happening with my tracks. I have tried this several times and it always works, but I have no idea why.


I have W8.1 developer preview & the latest spotify version, heres whats happening now...


Made a playlist available offline, it syncs over wifi, then the sync restarts and it isnt playable offline (same issue as before, se eprevious posts)


HOWEVER. Out and about, no wifi access, I decide to play the playlist using my mobile data, as I play each song the little green sync icon lights up. So I skip through each track and as I do, the green icon lights up for each track in the playlist. 


Then, I switch to offline mode and the tracks are playable! Repeat the process with several albums and it happens every time. However after I exit the app and restart, green icon goes grey, offline tracks once again not playable.


I tried this last night and this morning. It's very strange, the tracks are obviously saved to my SD card becuase the space is used and spotify CAN access them, but it appears that right now I have to skip through tracks in online mode, then switch to offline mode to avoid any data usage. 


Would love to know if this works for anyone else having this issue, or if I just have some kind of phantom phone..

@Tmase wrote:

Would love to know if this works for anyone else having this issue, or if I just have some kind of phantom phone..

I have the same

Moving the app and music to my phone has fixed it. Just seems to be a dumb Spotify problem. windows phone can't win with these guys...

I had offline storage on my windows phone 8.1 on the sd, it was supported. Now it's pointless, I bought a phone that had sd storage, upgraded to premium, had to wait a year for windows 8.1 and now the latest app cant support it? Ridiculous waste of annoyed

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