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Only You Feature

Only You Feature






Iphone 11 Pro Max

Operating System

iOS 14


My Question or Issue

The Audio Birth Chart did not appear on my Only You wrapped.

46 Replies

Same here, I waited a few hours after seeing this post just to be sure and deleted/redownloaded the app, restarted my phone, tried it on a different phone, etc. I got nothing ๐Ÿ˜•

same here, US premium, iphone xr. upset ๐Ÿ’”

Same here an i am premium....

Same, actually mine wont show anything but the last page

I did not get it either and I have 3 month Spotify Premium. 

Same. US, iPhone 11 Pro, Premium.

No slideshows to look at or anything.

same here my friends have it but i only get the first four pages and not the birth chart one

Same here and I listen to astrology podcasts ๐Ÿ˜ญ premium for 3+ years! Spotify how could you do this to me!!!

Same thing here. Aus, premium, iPhone 

Same thing here on an iPhone 12 with premium, in Ireland โ˜น๏ธ

Hey folks,


Thanks for reaching out about this in the Community!


We'd like to shine some light on why you might be missing this section of the story.


To get this story, you need to have made a new discovery of an artist in the last 6 months which involves streaming multiple tracks.


If you didn't get this story section, your account was not eligible due to market restrictions or lack of data.


Hope this clears things up ๐Ÿ™‚ Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have questions.


Take care!


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I have definitely done this but it still isnโ€™t popping up. Any reasons now?

Same thing here ๐Ÿ˜ž

Hi--I don't think this is correct because most of us do fall under that category.

I don't think this is the case for most of us.

that's verifiably not true for me (and i suspect many others), i have discovered new artists and have listened to entire new discographies in this time. 

Same exact problem here been a premium user for 3 years. Very very very dissatisfied 

What market restrictions, if I may ask? I'd like to access the Audio Birth Chart feature next time.

Premium user since 2013. This is messed up. Listen to my discover weekly religiously so Iโ€™m always onto new artists 

I definitely discovered new artists and listened to them over the past 6 months - in fact some of these new artists have been included in the other sections of my Only You function. The audio birth chart was the most exciting feature of this function and I'm disappointed.

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