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Report issues with adverts

Report issues with adverts

Hey folks!

Ever experienced any issues with the ad being in the wrong language, the ad volume and frequency or the content itself?
We're creating this thread in case you're in need of reporting any of those 🙂

Just let us know the following details and we'll forward them to the right teams:

  • Reason for complaint:
  • Name of ad:
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad:
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert:
  • Device the ad appeared on:
  • Its OS version:
  • Your exact Spotify app version:

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81 Replies

MAKE THIS AD STOP!!! How many times do I need to complain on this forum or in a chat with a support agent? If I promise to be outside waiting for baby Jesus to lift me up to heaven on October 9th, will that make you stop?

I have a podcast I distribute through Spotify.


Even though they're subscribed to our podcast listeners are still getting advertisements. I am a premium user and subscribed to our podcast and tested this too.


Paid subscribers to our podcast should not be getting ads and it affects our rating and listenership.



Separately, on other podcasts (Chill Spanish Listening), I have noticed that if I listen to a few episodes in a row (autoplay) after the first episode plays and the ad before the next, the next episode will 'play' but the audio will be silent unless I rewind, skip, or restart the episode.

I've got another ad issue.


I fall asleep to my playlist on my forward speaker every night until I can get my tv fixed, but this routine has been interrupted by the "big on the internet" ad and it completely turns off my music and maybe my speaker because I sometimes find it off when I wake up 10 minutes later. I thought maybe it was the speaker so I tried to just use my computer but to no avail. I'm not sure why but it just vanishes sometimes. This issue started 2 days ago. I can't sleep well without sound and I hate those "white noise green noise pink noise" things, so I resort to tv or music. I'm not sure what's going on here, whether it's the fact there's always 4-6 ads in a row every time or it's just a specific one.


I am on a Lenovo Chromebook, I'm unable to check what OS version, I'm on website, and I heard the ad around 3:30 am September 16th

  • Reason for complaint: Same ad playing over and over again, no matter how many times I mark it as not relevant to me. It repeats "Yes, of Corsa" over, and over, and over. When it's the only ad playing, it's torturous. If there's any way to get a message back to whoever created this ad, this is the wrong way to stay "top of mind". In fact, it has single handedly convinced me to never buy a Vauxhall car.
  • Name of ad: No idea, it's an ad from Vauxhall that repeats Yes of Corsa ad infinitum 
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: Audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Today, this week and this month multiple times, too many to count
  • Device the ad appeared on: PC
  • Its OS version: Windows 11
  • Your exact Spotify app version:

The October 9th ad is back! They changed it, made it more angry and more religious. I guess the copy and ad buy changed enough that all the previous complaints about it no longer apply? MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! Five times in the last 25 minutes. Why is god so mad at me?

They drove me to take the free trial on a Premium subscription. Maybe that was the point all along. Spotify certainly does not respond to the thumbs-down feature.

  • Reason for complaint: Even after repeatedly clicking 'this content is offensive to me,' an advertisement with disturbing content keeps playing.
  • Name of ad: Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: September 24-28 2024
  • Device the ad appeared on: computer
  • Its OS version: Mac OS 15.0
  • Your exact Spotify app version: couldn't find it

Reason for complaint: Slurping noises, I dont even have misophonia but when I hear this ad it makes me physically cringe so I cant imagine someone who does have misophonia listening to it. Also, it plays twice back to back with NO warning. The first thing you hear from the ad is the slurping noises. It's like they're doing it on purpose at this point can you please stop advertising ads with these eating noises. 

I've also been downvoting it every time but it continues to play this exact ad EVERY TIME I get one. 

Name of ad: Tesco

Is it a visual or an audio ad: Audio

Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Today, multiple times

Device the ad appeared on: Phone

Its OS version: Android Galaxy S22

Your exact Spotify app version:

  • Reason for complaint: ad is way too loud (I was falling asleep listening to a podcast and the volume rudely woke me up. It was pretty funny, but also not)
  • Name of ad: Spotlight (Australia)
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Mon Oct 6 approx 17:00hrs
  • Device the ad appeared on: iPhone 12 Pro
  • Its OS version: iOS 17.7
  • Your exact Spotify app version:

  • Reason for complaint: Adverts are much louder than podcasts with no settings or volume control affecting them relative to the rest of the platform
  • Name of ad: Every single one of them.
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: Audio.
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Latest was October 11th 11:53 2024
  • Device the ad appeared on: Windows PC, but this is the case for mobile as well.
  • Its OS version: 19045.5011 (Windows)
  • Your exact Spotify app version: Spotify för Windows (64-bit)

Hello everybody,
I have some problems regarding advertisements. It is not possible to complete the requested information as it is difficult to specify each problem. It doesn't depend on the platform I use, be it web, Android, iOS, FireTV, Amazon Echo equipment. In addition to the volume problem, when, for example, you are listening to a meditation playlist and the volume of the advertisement is not only very loud, but the content is in no way similar to what you are listening to, it often enters festive rhythms.

Another problem is commercials for music rhythms that I don't like, even when I click that I don't care, these ads always appear.
For example, there are some rhythms on Spotify Brasil that I don't like, such as Sertanejo, Brazilian Funk and Brazilian Rap. Some ads can't even be skipped, it's torture to hear what we don't like in the middle of a playlist we like.

I understand that perhaps this is a method of trying to get non-subscribers to become subscribers, but in my opinion it is completely nonsense to want to make someone interested in becoming a subscriber by making them listen to a commercial for something they don't like. A person should want to be a subscriber simply because they don't want any more interruptions.
Uninteresting, irritating ads only make us irritated with the service and I often end up looking for other streaming services.
If I'm not mistaken, when we started using Spotify, we indicated rhythms that we liked and that was enough to avoid all of that.

Reason for complaint: I have a premium account and there was an ad baked into a murder podcast that had AN ALARM CLOCK

Name of ad: no idea, i immediately closed the app because NO

Is it a visual or an audio ad: all the audio

Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: 10/21 4am WHILE I WAS SLEEPING

Device the ad appeared on: android s20

Its OS version: 


  • Reason for complaint: Annoying political ad that plays way too often, have downvoted several times but it keeps crawling back
  • Name of ad: Friends of Dave McCormick
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Been hearing it basically all day today, off and on (10/25/24)
  • Device the ad appeared on: iOS (iPhone), MacOS web player
  • Its OS version: 16.6.1, Sonoma 14.7
  • Your exact Spotify app version: iOS, not sure if web player has a version

  • Reason for complaint: This specific ad kept reappearing even after I downvoted this several times. Please make these ads stop!  I don't know why you guys aim to play these ads in the middle of the night while I'm working.  I have already downvoted these but still kept on playing.  These scary ads would usually cut another ad that's playing and would scare the f out of me. 
  • Name of ad: Pinoy Aswang Stories and Book of Bad Ideas
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: Past midnight; it appeared several times
  • Device the ad appeared on:  Desktop app
  • Its OS version: Windows 10 Pro?
  • Your exact Spotify app version: Spotify for Windows (64 bit)



Reason for complaint: Ads do not autoplay, so all audio content stops

Name of ad: Most of them

Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio

Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: whenever I use Spotify from Edge or Firefox browsers

Device the ad appeared on: laptop PC

It's OS version: Windows 11, Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631

Exact Spotify app version:  Don't know, it's the web play on the Spotify site


I'm usually listening to Spotify while I work, so I'm not paying attention to Spotify.  An ad will come up after about 3 songs (free player) - today it's a Linked In ad, but not always - the ad loads but then stops, requiring me push play or reload the page.  (Sometimes pressing 'Play' does not get the ad to start.)  Since ads are every 3 songs, this could take a chunk out of my work day if I listen all day.  Ultimately, I'm choosing to listen to music this way less and less.

Friends of Dave Mccormick add contains blatant transphobic content. I'm trans and keep down voting it but hear it multiple times per day. Using android. 

  • Reason for complaint: Ads in Podcasts are WAY too loud, wasn't this bad a few weeks ago, but after my days off they nearly blow my ear drums. Before I just turned down the volume one step or two at maximum but now the ads are on the same volume at 10% compared to the podcast at 45%. (Why one does get ads in Podcasts as a paying customer is another thing, but at least don't kill my **bleep**ing hearing!)
  • Name of ad: all of them, out of my head uber and some bank (tomorrow?)
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio, while listening to podcasts
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: 4.11.24, 5 to 8:30am so far
  • Device the ad appeared on: mobile
  • Its OS version: android 12
  • Your exact Spotify app version:

  • Reason for complaint: same ad plays several times in a row and no option to report it or mark it as not relevant. 
  • Name of ad: Coles Christmas delivery
  • Is it a visual or an audio ad: audio
  • Rough time & date of when you heard the advert: constantly. Plays 2-3 times at the start and end of podcast episodes
  • Device the ad appeared on: iPhone 14
  • Its OS version: iOS 18.1
  • Your exact Spotify app version:

My ad keeps repeating I usually don't care about ads but this ad especially has me annoyed the lulu lemon ad I keeps repeating even when I just saw it three times help please.

Same here. I'm constantly bombarded with alcohol ads and I'm a recovering alcoholic. If Facebook can let you filter such ads, so could Spotify. It looks like alcohol ads are Spotify's major income but this is an ethical issue. 

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