Ok this is getting really frustrating!
I automatically got logged out of spotify on my mobile device today. I tried logging back in and get met with the error "Incorrect username and password".
I thought my password was correct but ok it's possible I might have forgotten it. So I click on "Forgot your password". I get asked to enter my email address and get an email with a link to reset my password. Everything seems good so far.
When I click on that email and try resetting my password I get an error message "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." I try resubmitting it a few times and always get met with the same error message.
It's starting to get frustrating but these things happen. I search online for solutions and find this article https://community.spotify.com/t5/Accounts/The-CSRF-token-is-invalid-Please-try-to-resubmit-the-form/.... Which not exactly the same circumstance as me the error seems to be the same. So I follow the recomendations and clear my cookies. Then I try again and get the same error.
I decide to try resetting the password again as maybe I did something wrong. So I try logging in again and failing that click on "Forgot username and password" option. I enter my email address and lo and behold I get the error "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form"
I decide to contact spotify. They don't have a mobile number but that's fine there should at least be a chat or email option right? I find a "contact form" link : http://support.spotify.com/contact-spotify-support/. Guess what, when I click on it I need to login in order to do anything!! Great so as I am locked out of my account I can't submit a bug report. I can't create another account without using a new email as my email address is already taken. So my options are to either create a new email account or a twitter account. What the **bleep** spotify! Why can't you just have an option for me to submit a bug report without logging in!
It's just getting really frustrating right now, and to make matters worse I still can't login to my paid spotify account 😕
Created a temporary mail in order to be able to post this. Any help is appreciated.