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Werbung in Podcasts trotz Premium

Werbung in Podcasts trotz Premium

Hallo zusammen,

leider ist mir aufgefallen, dass die eingebundenen Werbeblöcke in Podcasts, welche im Podcast selber auf der Audiospur sind, immer mehr und länger werden.


Da ich Premium Nutzer Eures Dienstes bin, stört mich das doch sehr und ich überlege zur Zeit zu kündigen, da ich hier keinen wesentlichen Mehrwert mehr erkenne, wenn ich trotzdem minutenlange Werbeblöcke hören muss.


Gibt es diesbezüglich eine mögliche Überlegung das zu ändern oder muss man trotz Premium Nutzer weiterhin Werbung in Podcasts akzeptieren?


Vielen Dank!

57 Replies

Hey there @Sponken


Thanks for reaching out about this. We'll be happy to shed some light on this. 


Hope you don't mind us replying in English as it's the Community's official language.


Spotify doesn’t play or include ads that interrupt the listening experience of Premium subscribers. However, some podcast creators may include advertising, host-read endorsements, or sponsorship messages in their episodes.


Spotify gives the podcast hosts the option to choose if they would like to have a dynamic ad slot in their podcast, but that isn't something Spotify can control - it's up to the individual podcast owners if they choose to have that type of ad in their content.


We hope this clears things up. If you need anything else, give us a shout.



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Hi Eni,


you say "Spotify gives the podcast hosts the option to choose if they would like to have a dynamic ad slot in their podcast", but then Spotify also chooses to play the advertisements to its premium users. Spotify could as well choose to not play the advertisements to premium users. So I currently really ask myself what's the point of having a premium account if I have to listen to advertisements anyway.



Hi there @Spotfyuser,


Thank you for your reply.


As part of the Premium subscription, all music can be enjoyed ad-free. And while Spotify doesn’t play ads that interrupt the music listening experience of Premium subscribers, some podcasts may include advertising, host-read endorsements, or sponsorship independently of the streaming platforms featuring such podcasts.


This doesn't mean that your feedback isn't heard and that this request couldn't be fulfilled by some other means in the future. On the contrary, this is being monitored and we invite everyone to share their opinion in a constructive manner. We will then ensure to pass it on to the relevant teams.


Let us know if we can help you with anything else.


Take care!

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I just realized that apple podcasts doesn’t play advertisements in his podcasts.

I am also thinking about canceling my Spotify premium account since I don’t get the concept premium anymore, regardless if the adds come from Spotify or the hosts.

It would be really great if Spotify fixes this before that.

Unfortunately I was as well bothered by advertisment in a language that is foreign to me at the beginning and end of an English podcast I regularly tune in. So far I was under the impression, that I pay for Spotify Premium to avoid such interruptions. As a result I will start trying out alternatives and terminate my subscription asap.

I get these ads as well and after the ad my podcast does not continue to play. I have to restart Spotify like three times to get my podcast to play. I am also very upset about this. The ads I'm getting are not included in the podcasts audio stream. They are added before them. Considering to cancel my subscription as well.

I also shared this experience while listening to a podcast and I sincerely hope that spotify will prove this concept and make a change. As a Premium user I am even willing to pay more to make sure that these Podcasters will get enough money, but I am also pointing out that there has to be an advantage to avoid these ads while paying for a Premium model!

I'm a premium user and I get german ads as prerolls to an english podcast. I restarted the podcast and got no or a different ad. So the ad is NOT recorded by the podcaster on the audio file, it is added by spotify. Why do I pay for an ad-free experience and still have to sit through ads?

Imagine you get ads even though you pay for premium. Everybody that listen to podcasts through Spotify, cancel your sub. It was fun while it lasted. This is unbearable

I was super negatively surprised to hear ads in my podcasts. We as a family will switch the streaming service, as this doesn’t work for us. 

You said: "Spotify gives the podcast hosts the option to choose if they would like to have a dynamic ad slot in their podcast, but that isn't something Spotify can control" Well, read the sentence again. It doesn't make any sense. If Spotify gives the hosts this option, maybe Spotify just shouldn't. Problem solved. Don't offer the option to include a dynamic ad slot. This is how you control it.

Hi there @anatolger,


Thank you for your reply in this thread.


What we mean is that we provide this option to podcast creators as an extra way to help them monetize and live off of their content. As this is a good way to support content creators we don't plan on taking this feature away from them at the moment and we also don't enforce any mandates on who wants to activate it or not.


We hope this information was helpful.

Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

Take care!

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Hi there,


Today I got advertisements in the middle of a podcast. That is really unacceptable, since I am paying money for a premium membership.


I really do not understand, why I should pay money for streaming without  advertisement, when I have advertisements before and since today also in every podcast. Please tell my, why should I continue paying for that service?



Then maybe Spotify should pay the creators better, so they must not monetize their content through advertise. The main problem here is just you, spotify. "**bleep** rolls downhill" or how we say in german: der fisch stinkt vom kopf

Hello Jeremy,
you said: "we provide this option to podcast creators as an extra way to help them monetize and live off of their content." Here my first question: Why do you provide this option to them? The usual customer pays for spotify premium just to get rid of advertisements. But it seems like we don't get what we pay for. My second question: Don't you pay the podcast creators any money or what? Why do they have to rely on "an extra way to help them monetize and live off of their content." Just pay them enough! Or at least don't act like spotify premium is ad-free.

If that doesn't stop, I will also unsubscribe my premium subscription! Shame on you spotify! 

Firstly, I understand and support the idea of giving creators the option to add ads to their content.


However, those ads should not be played for premium users. Non premium users could still be shown them and generate some ad revenue, but if I pay for an ad free experience, I expect it to be *fully* ad free. I'll certainly look into alternatives, especially since the responses here don't sound like Spotify is planning to make any changes to this system.


PS: Spotify also managed to give me an error message the first time I tried posting this reply, so I had to rewrite the whole thing. And then it had the nerve to open a pop up to ask for my opinion of their service WHILE I was retyping. Copy your text before you click send. And to Spotify: Maybe change your algorithm, cause this just made me wanna cancel my subscription on the spot. 

As spotify wants to keep with this model, spotify should at least mark podcasts that contain ads so one can avoid them easier. 

This problem is so infuriating, I'm almost only hearing podcasts at the moment, so spotify playing advertisements is like I'm paying for nothing, guess I will unsubscribe according to spotifys answers in this thread, since they don't seem to plan changing this for premium users. I don't plan on coming back, if I unsubscribe.

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