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"Your Music" section broken on Tizen watch

"Your Music" section broken on Tizen watch



I have a problem with the Spotify app on the Samsung Galaxy Active 2 smartwatch. When I go to the "Your Music" section, both the "Your Collection" and "Your Playlists" menus are broken. They used to show different things but they both only seem to show the same playlists now.


Only 19 playlists show up. As you scroll down another page of items loads, however it just loads the same 19 playlists again and will do so infinitely loading the same page of 19 as you scroll down. It seems the playlists shown are the first 19 you see in "Custom order" on the PC. Frustratingly, pinned playlists aren't shown at all, which is particularly irritating since those are the ones you care most about. This also means you can't play your "Liked Songs".


So in essence there are three issues here:

1) "Your Collection" only shows playlists (I assume it is meant to show e.g. songs and/or albums)

2) "Your Playlists" doesn't show pinned playlists or "Liked Songs"

3) Both only load 1 page of items


I have a Premium account and the device is a Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 with Tizen software version Unfortunately the Spotify app itself does not specify its version number anywhere (going to Settings -> Info just brings up a couple of open source licenses).


Many thanks,


73 Replies

Same problem here Galaxy Watch 2 only show search and settings.... Tried also everything mentioned above 

I updated my smasung galaxy watch active and I can no longer see playlists. It only has search or settings.

Spotify version 2.5.44
Software version R500XXU1GVG1

Same here....


Reinstalled Spotify, did a full reset. Installed older version of Spotify, none worked

Same problem here. Only settings and search. Both connected to same WiFi. Please, can somebody help me to solve problem. Galaxy watch 3 and Samsung ultra s 22. Both last Version. No problem since i bought watch. And 10 Days ago. Problem 

It s seems to be a général problem since upgrade. 

I could see all my playlists before I updated the spotify. I have reset my galaxy watch active three times and it still only shows settings and search and no playlists.


Go to and use this code in the console.

        var client_id = '13c59f103b6e48cc8425ab82b3eef9ab';
        var redirect_uri = '';
        var state = Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 10);

        var scope = 'playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private playlist-read-private user-library-read user-library-modify user-read-private user-read-email';

        var url = '';
        url += '?response_type=token';
        url += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(client_id);
        url += '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scope);
        url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
        url += '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(state);

        window.location = url;

After you set these permissions you can run this.

async function response(e){let s=await fetch(e);return await s.json()}const urlParams=new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.substring(1)),access_token=urlParams.get("access_token"),mybr=document.createElement("br"),authOptions={method:"POST",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json",Authorization:"Bearer "+access_token},body:null},getPlaylist=(e,s,t)=>{response(new Request(`${t}&limit=50&offset=${s}&access_token=${access_token}`)).then(n=>{let o=[];[...n.items].forEach(e=>{o.push(e.track.uri)}),authOptions.body=JSON.stringify({uris:o}),response(new Request(`${e}/tracks`,authOptions)),null!,s+=50,setTimeout(()=>{results.innerHTML+=`Adding songs ${old_num} - ${s} ...`,results.appendChild(mybr),getPlaylist(e,s,t)},500)):results.innerHTML+="All Songs have been copied to Liked Songs 2. You may now close this app. Enjoy! 🎶"})},results=document.body;if(null!=access_token&&""!=access_token){var obj=response(new Request(`${access_token}`));obj.then(e=>{var s=e.display_name,,;results.innerHTML+=`Welcome: <b>${s}</b>`,results.appendChild(mybr),setTimeout(()=>{results.innerHTML+="Creating Liked Songs Playlist 2",results.appendChild(mybr)},500),authOptions.body=JSON.stringify({name:"Liked Songs 2",description:"A workaround playlist for the missing Liked playlist on smart watches.",public:!1}),response(new Request(`${t}/playlists`,authOptions)).then(e=>{getPlaylist(,0,n)})})}

I updated my samsung galaxy watch active to the latest spotify and I can no longer see playlists. It only has search or settings.

Spotify version 2.5.44
Software version R500XXU1GVG1


How can I fix this?

I also am experiencing this same issue: I only see Search and Settings. I reset the device multiple times. Spotify, this is unacceptable!

Same problem here... Spotify on Tizen broken. Worked not so long ago

Come on Spotify, can you find a solution please ? 

Thank you everyone for taking the time to report this and for providing us with details!


We've let the correct team know, they're investigating this at the moment, but we can't exactly say when it will be fixed.


In the meantime, don't forget to keep the app updated to the newest version and the Community's here should you need help with anything else.


Cheers 🙂

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The app is totally broken on Samsung TV os. Tizen is 1402.5 . No sound, the song plays for 5sec than skip to the next one. The app reboot randomly. I guess it needs an update... Tried reinstall, storage cleaning etc...

How? Cant use the console.


What is this code?

The code on the developer page isn't editable. There is also no console option.

It looks like some sort of spotify tutorial for building a recommended playlist, but you can't edit the code.

Most desktop browsers have a console. This is only useful for those who do not wish to provide me their Spotify email address, so that I can add them to my app. Spotify only allows approved users while its in developer mode.
Screenshot from 2024-03-24 16-02-56.png

I reported this watch problem 2months ago and still no fix.


I mean it was always buggy on tizen. But it's literally unusable for even one song now.  Totally unacceptable.  I only use this when app when out running.  Probably will cancel my subscription as a result

I thought I was going crazy as it broke just as I reset my watch to connect to my new phone. What's the latest on this


Basically don't hold your breath it will ever be fixed.... look at the reviews for tizen watch spotify on the store.   All terrible.   Spotify haven't updated the app or cared to fix bugs for literally years 


I noticed when I reset to upgrade to my new phone s24 ultra back in January,  the same situation as you.   I reported at the time to customer care and spent an hour explaining to them. They had no idea.   I then reported on forums


That was 2 months ago and still no update, and probably likely won't ever be.  This is why I'm going to cancel my subscription service and find one that does work.


If you still want to use Spotify, probably the only way is to get a newer watch that doesn't use tizen....basically rendering your 2021 watch scrap.  Absolutely ridiculous really.

This is bullsht, mine was working perfectly fine for the last 2 years. now that i got the new s24 i was forced to reset my watch and install the new broken version, they say make sure you keep your app update to date, but thew new app doesn't work.


its time to take to social media hopefully we get someone attention 

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