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Knowing when a family account leaves?

Knowing when a family account leaves?


Because of corona, my cousin, who lived with me, had to move away from home to give care to his elderly parents. I am the payer of the family plan, and he hadn´t paid for up to a year (which is alright, we have a good relationship). Today I demanded the money he owed, but to my surprise, he said he had left the plan some time ago and doesn´t remember when, thus, I do not know how much he has to pay.

My Question 

Is there any way for me to check when he left?

Thank you!



Family Premium



1 Reply

Hey @Pedro242327 ,


Thanks for coming to the Community.


Unfortunately, there is no way for a Premium Family plan owner to see when a member joins or leaves the plan. Since you are on good terms here, you could ask your cousin to share a screenshot of the receipt page of their account.


There you'll be able to see the time when they were part of the plan it's going to be marked with a charge of 0 each month.


Hope this helps!

MaximSpotify Star
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