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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Hello.We just updated one account to Family Plan and that account is now
owner. So now we have one owner and some member accounts. How do we
change the owner status to another account?
Hello. We just updated one account to Family Plan and that account is now owner. So now we have one owner and some member accounts. How do we change the owner status to another account?
PlanFamilyCountryUSA DeviceS10+Operating SystemAndroid My Question or
IssueTrying to use the Spotify kids app for the first time, when I try
logging in with my family account, after the login page it shows the
privacy notice for half a second and goe...
Plan Family Country USA Device S10+ Operating System Android My Question or Issue Trying to use the Spotify kids app for the first time, when I try logging in with my familyaccount...
I am from South Africa, I currently have a premium account that I'd like
to upgrade to a Family plan. Attempting to upgrade gives me the
following error: "Unable to change plans. This could be because you're
not eligible for this plan, you're already...
I am from South Africa, I currently have a premium account that I'd like to upgrade to a Family plan. Attempting to upgrade gives me the following error: "Unable to change plans. This could be b...
PlanPremium DuoCountryMontenegroDeviceAndroid PhoneOperating
SystemWindows 10 My Question or Issue I have subscribed to the Duo
Premium plan, however after inviting my partner to join the plan none of
has the option to "join duo mix playlist" (as sho...
Plan Premium Duo Country Montenegro Device Android Phone Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue I have subscribed to the Duo Premium plan, however after inv...
Dear community,As of yesterday I was suddenly logged out of all my apps
and devices. I live in the Netherlands, but I am currently in Norway. I
received an error stating that I extended my use of Spotify in a
different country and should change my se...
...nd I was set back to a free account. The person with whom I share the Duo Premium subscription, who is still in the Netherlands, does not experience any issues. Can someone please help me out? &n...
PlanPremium (family plan)CountryIrelandDeviceRedmi Note Pro 10Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueMy wife purchased a family plan (she
is the plan manager)She invited me to the plan and I acceptedShe
successfully created a kids account and it...
...nly a Premium Family plan manager can create a kids account Expected Behavior when I login to the kids app, I'm allowed to see the kids accounts under this plan for me to choose from s...
Plan: FamilyFree/Premium: PremiumCountry: Sweden Device: all (iPhone 8,
Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System: all (iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueIm on a family plan -
me, mom and dad. Dad is the owner ...
...indows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Im on a family plan - me, mom and dad. Dad is the owner of the account and handles payment. He now wanted to reset password and realize it's an old work email t...
Plan: Family PremiumCountry: United StatesDevice: Phone and
ComputerOperating System: Android and WindowsMy Question or Issue:I have
had the family premium for years and my wife and I both listen, using my
profile, so when one of us listening and the...
Plan: Family Premium Country: United States Device: Phone and Computer Operating System: Android and Windows My Question or Issue: I have had the family premium for years and my wife and I b...
PlanPremium (family)CountryThe Netherlands Device(Samsung a8 (2018),
Dell G3)Operating System(Android Oreo, Windows 10) My Question or
IssueMy sister and I have signed up for a Premium-family subscription,
but she has used a very specific address for...
...igned up for a Premium-family subscription, but she has used a very specific address for this. Which makes it impossible for me to join with my pre-existing premium account, due to Google Maps not r...
I just received an e-mail saying "Spotify joined you on Premium Family".
I checked the Premium Family tab in the account profile, and apart from
one of my daughters being listed twice, the list under "People on this
plan" appears to be correct (there...
I just received an e-mail saying "Spotify joined you on Premium Family". I checked the Premium Family tab in the account profile, and apart from one of my daughters being listed twice, the l...
Hola, Acabo de contratar el plan familiar y envié la invitacion a un
familiar mío.A mi familiar le ha llegado el mail con la invitacion,
inició sesión con su cuenta de spotify y sin embargo, al confirmar el
código de invitacion, le aparece el mensaje...
Hola, Acabo de contratar el plan familiar y envié la invitacion a un familiar mío. A mi familiar le ha llegado el mail con la invitacion, inició sesión con su cuenta de spotify y sin embarg...
PlanPremiumCountrySpain My Question or IssueI would like to unsuscribe
my acount from Family Plan, but i'm the managing account. I don't find
how to do that and change de manager account to another person of the
family plan. I can invite and cancel o...
Plan Premium Country Spain My Question or Issue I would like to unsuscribe my acount from Family Plan, but i'm the managing account. I don't find how to do that and c...
Hello!Because of corona, my cousin, who lived with me, had to move away
from home to give care to his elderly parents. I am the payer of the
family plan, and he hadn´t paid for up to a year (which is alright, we
have a good relationship). Today I dem...
Hello! Because of corona, my cousin, who lived with me, had to move away from home to give care to his elderly parents. I am the payer of the family plan, and he hadn´t paid for up to a year (w...
My Question or IssueWe have 2 separate free accounts and 2 separate
student accounts. I want to upgrade 1 student account to ONE family
premium account + add the other family members. How to delete the other
1 student and 2 free accounts? Or can the ...
My Question or Issue We have 2 separate free accounts and 2 separate student accounts. I want to upgrade 1 student account to ONE family premium account + add the other family members. How to d...
PlanFamilyCountryUSA My Question or IssueThe owner of the family account
is moving and I'd like to preserve my lists and start my own account.
What do I need to do?
Plan Family Country USA My Question or Issue The owner of the familyaccount is moving and I'd like to preserve my lists and start my own account. What do I need to do?
Hello! My family and I just purchased the Family Premium Account. We set
all on Germany, since we all live here together, but my dad has a dutch
phone, so his country is currently still on Netherlands. We have tried
to change this, but it does not al...
Hello! My family and I just purchased the Family Premium Account. We set all on Germany, since we all live here together, but my dad has a dutch phone, so his country is currently still on N...
I made a family Spotify plan with my sister and mom so I get charged
14.99 per month, my mom is still getting charged monthly for Spotify
premium. I want reimbursement but it’s hard to get help from Spotify
since we can’t contact by phone so this is ...
I made a family Spotify plan with my sister and mom so I get charged 14.99 per month, my mom is still getting charged monthly for Spotify premium. I want reimbursement but it’s hard to get help f...
PlanPremium FamilyCountrySouth africaDeviceSamsung Galaxy J7 Prime
Operating SystemAndroid Oreo, My Question or IssueI can't pay for
spotify premium family using my card... everytime I get redirected to
the vodacom payments screen. Why can't I just p...
Plan Premium Family Country South africa Device Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime Operating System Android Oreo, My Question or Issue I can't pay for spotify premium family...
I am trying to add my Family Members to my Family Plan and they are
confirming the same address as our account, but it says they are in a
different country, which is not true. Can you please fix this!!
PlanFamily PlanCountryUSADevice(iPhone 8, Samsun...
I am trying to add my Family Members to my Family Plan and they are confirming the same address as our account, but it says they are in a different country, which is not true. Can you please f...