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Family Premium


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Hey Guys, I have just signed up to Spotify family account. I have a son who had his own premium that I have sent the link to move across and 2 daughters that don't have an account at all. Do I need to get them set up with a Free Account using their Email address for me to be able to send them the link and for them to be able to join the family one?

1 Reply

Hi @greggdardagan,


Welcome to the Community and thanks for reaching out!


In order to join the Family plan, your daughters need to have their own separate Free account with their own email addresses. Once their accounts have been set up, you can send them an invite link. When they open it they'll need to:

  1. Log in to their new accounts.
  2. Enter the same home address as you entered. You can check that on your Account Page.

Note: Make sure they are located on the home address when they open the invite links as it's necessary in order to join the Family plan.


You can find more useful information about Premium Family in the articles here.


The Community is always here if there's anything else you need assistance with.


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