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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremium FamilyCountry EnglandDeviceiPhone SEOperating Systemios
11.3.1 My Question or Issue My spotify premium has vanished after
updating the app recently and i don’t know what to do? My mum pays for
spotify family and she says she hasn’t stoppe...
Plan Premium Family Country England Device iPhone SE Operating System ios 11.3.1 My Question or Issue My spotify premium has vanished after updating the app recently a...
Premium account, UK My wife is the main account holder and I created a
family account but was notified that my address couldn't be verified so
was downgraded from Premium. How can I verify my account to rectify this
Premium account, UK My wife is the main account holder and I created a family account but was notified that my address couldn't be verified so was downgraded from Premium. How can I verify m...
Bonjour, J'ai souscrit un abonnement Familly avec mes collocataires le
mois dernier. 3 d'entre eux ont été supprimés du compte. J'ai donc
renvoyé une invitation mais un message d'erreur s'affiche : "Vous ne
pouvez pas rejoindre cette abonnement Spoti...
Bonjour, J'ai souscrit un abonnement Familly avec mes collocataires le mois dernier. 3 d'entre eux ont été supprimés du compte. J'ai donc renvoyé une invitation mais un m...
My Question or Issue I am from Singapore, on Premium. On my account page
i recevied receipts for charges of S$9.90 for Premium but my bank
statement says S$10.18. Why is there an extra charge and can i be
eligible for a refund?
My Question or Issue I am from Singapore, on Premium. On my account page i recevied receipts for charges of S$9.90 for Premium but my bank statement says S$10.18. Why is there an extra charge ...
PlanStudentCountry TurkeyDeviceS6 EdgeOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or Issue You raised my account to family without asking me, and
you took my money, I want my money back. I will just continue to use it
as a student.
Plan Student Country Turkey Device S6 Edge Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue You raised my account to family without asking me, and you took my money, I w...
Spotify'dan öğrenci indirimi için ödeme yaptıktan sonra okul bilgilerni
falan girdim. İki gün önce de öğrenci olduğunuz doğrulanmıştır ödemeyi
gerçekleştirebilirsiniz şeklinde bir e-mail aldım. 20.04.2017 tarihinde
6.99 TL'lik ödeme işlemini zaten ge...
...onuyla alakalı bir diğer başlığım: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Premium-for-Family-Student/%C3%96%C4%9Frenci-indirimi-%C3%B6deme-sorunu/td-p/1652244. Bilen birileri lütfen iletişime geçsin.
após muitos problemas, fiz a mudança de planos hoje de premium família
para premium comum, mas justamente hoje o spotify já tinha faturado o
família no meu cartão, gostaria de saber como posso fazer para receber o
estorno, já que agora sou premium co...
após muitos problemas, fiz a mudança de planos hoje de premium família para premium comum, mas justamente hoje o spotify já tinha faturado o família no meu cartão, gostaria de saber como posso fazer ...
PlanFreeCountryBrazilDeviceSamsung A5 (2016)Operating SystemAndroid
NougatMy Question or Issue Last year my brother made a Premium Family
plan and I was using this plan until he cancels. This month he made
again a plan and invited me to be part of th...
Plan Free Country Brazil Device Samsung A5 (2016) Operating System Android Nougat My Question or Issue Last year my brother made a Premium Family plan and I was using this plan until h...
Hi please help, I have family premium package. I recently added my wife
as a member on my account. The problem I have now is when I sent an
invite to my daughter it is showing as if it is my wife's account even
though the invite was sent from my phon...
Hi please help, I have family premium package. I recently added my wife as a member on my account. The problem I have now is when I sent an invite to my daughter it is showing as if it is m...
Hola me cambie de plan familiar este año y me dice que no puedo cambiar
mas de una vez mi plan solo he cabiado una vez el año pasado como puedo
saber apartir de que fecha empiezan a contar mis 12 meses ?
Hola me cambie de plan familiar este año y me dice que no puedo cambiar mas de una vez mi plan solo he cabiado una vez el año pasado como puedo saber apartir de que fecha empiezan a contar mis 12 mes...
Today we bought the family bundle for Spotify. I was able to invite
everyone except my father. I sent him the e-mail more than once, but he
doesn't receive it. Checked the **bleep** folder, checked on different
devices and different e-mail applicatio...
Today we bought the family bundle for Spotify. I was able to invite everyone except my father. I sent him the e-mail more than once, but he doesn't receive it. Checked the **bleep** folder, checked o...
Sou a titular de um plano familiar, enviei o convite para 3 pessoas, mas
só duas delas receberam. A terceira não recebe de jeito nenhum, já
tentei cancelar e reenviar o convite, já tentei colocar para reenviar o
convite e nada acontece.
Sou a titular de um plano familiar, enviei o convite para 3 pessoas, mas só duas delas receberam. A terceira não recebe de jeito nenhum, já tentei cancelar e reenviar o convite, já tentei col...
Hi, I have a family premium account, when one user is using Spotify, and
another user tries to listen to music, it boots them out. How can
multiple users with the family account use Spotify at the same time?
Hi, I have a family premium account, when one user is using Spotify, and another user tries to listen to music, it boots them out. How can multiple users with the family account use Spotify a...
We are on the Family Plan. We all live at the same address. The others
in my family have had no issues added. My husband is trying to add. He
is traveling and is in Europe, so the address "style" is not the US
style. How does he change this to verify...
We are on the Family Plan. We all live at the same address. The others in my family have had no issues added. My husband is trying to add. He is traveling and is in Europe, so the address "style" i...