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Double charge

Double charge

I am being charged for a familiar plan (150 MXN) which is the plan I use, and a regular premium plan (99MXN). I have noticed this now but there were many extra charges of 99MXN. I checked for another possible accounts as you explain here: but none found... also... I only have 3 email accounts.


Why is this?


I managed PayPal to stop you for getting these 99 MXN charges... ¬_¬ ... I want my money back

1 Reply

Hi @Tona23, welcome to the Spotify Community!

In this case, we recommend that you contact us via email here or through our official social media channels in Facebook or Twitter. This way, we'll be able to take a look at your account to see what's happening.


If you need anything else, just let us know 🙂

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