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Blends not working

Blends not working






(iPhone xr)

Operating System

(iOS 15.2)


My Question or Issue

Blends won’t work it completely freezes the app when i go to open them or open a link the blends it works fine on my console but not spotify on my phone. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and even signing in and out but nothing has worked this is my favorite feature of spotify it has worked perfectly fine in the past though



20 Replies

Hi @Modo2,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community. 


We understand you have already reinstalled the app. Can you do it one more time following these steps?, they're more thorough and can be helpful to get rid of any cache that might be causing trouble. 


If the issue persists, can you try connecting to a different WIFI/mobile network to check if the same happens?


Keep us posted.

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Sorry for the long response. I did all the steps in order and even shut down my device same thing is still happening the app freezes up to the point where i need to completely close and reopen it in order for it to work.

Hi @Modo2,


Thanks for the reply.


Could you try removing the blend and creating it again? Just open the blend, press the three dots icon > Leave Blend and ask your friend to do the same. Then clear the app's cache, log out and log back in on your iPhone. When you're done, create the blend with a friend.


If the issue persists, leave the blend again (don't forget to ask your friend to leave the blend as well), perform a clean reinstall by following the steps in the link @MafeG sent, then create a new blend.


Another thing to try is to switch who creates the blend. For example, if you created the blend previously, let your friend create it this time instead.


Let us know how it goes.



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Left the blends and did all the steps @MafeG sent sadly it’s the same problem if i send the inv or if i receive one sadly my plan hasn’t changed either everything is still the same

Hey @Modo2,


Thanks for getting back to us. 


In case you're using any battery optimization or power saving apps, you can deactivate them for Spotify to see if that changes anything.


If that doesn't help, could you please share with us the following? We'll look into this further.

  • The exact Spotify version that is running on your device.
  • A video recording of the issue.

Keep us posted.

Ver Moderator
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I sadly can’t upload a screen recording of what’s happening due to it exceeding the maximum file size. I’m using version 8.6.98

Hey @Modo2,


Thanks for your reply. 


No worries, in this case we suggest that you try uploading it to another platform like Google Drive or YouTube and then you can send us the link.


We'll be waiting for your reply.

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I apologize about the super long response time here is a youtube link to a screen recording of it (it’s only a 35 second video) 

Hey there @Modo2,

Thanks for your reply and the link.

For some reason the video from the link is not loading for us, saying there is some sort of restriction for viewing. Could you please check if you have restricted the video in some way and eventually change that? We'd be happy to take a closer look at the situation to be able to advise you better!

Keep us posted, we'll be on the lookout for your reply.

Kiril Moderator
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My apologies i had age restrictions on it should be good now if not i can always try a drive link

Hi there @Modo2,


Thank you for getting back in touch with us and for the troubleshooting you've done so far. We've now been able to see the video.


Can you have someone log in with their account on your device - like a friend or a family member to see if the issue persists? This will help us understand if it's account related or not.


We'll keep an eye out for your reply.


Take care 🙂

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I’ve had someone log into their account on my device they had no issues with blends or creating new ones. One of my blends managed to open and work fine though none of my other ones are working yet along with not being able to create new blends still

Hi again @Modo2,


Thank you for your reply and for the troubleshooting you've done so far!


It sounds like this might be account related. However, just to be sure - can you create a new Blend from a different device and see if you get the same behavior?

We'll be on the lookout for your reply.


Take care!

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The blends work perfectly on my console (xbox one s) but just simply not on the iphone though the console also has a lot less features. Thanks for taking time to respond 🙂

Hi again @Modo2,


Thank you for getting back in touch with us and for your confirmation.


Can you try the following:

  • Soft reset of the device
  • Ensure the operating system is up-to-date
  • Ensure the device has enough storage space
  • Try a different internet connection

Let us know how everything works after you've tried the suggested things above 🙂

Take care!

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After doing the requested above for some reason a few blends started working about 2 of 5 though i cannot create any new blends or open the other ones still without spotify crashing 

Hi @Modo2,


Thank you for your response and for trying what was suggested above.


Can you check if you can accept invites?

Also, if you have a display name with symbols it can cause some trouble. Can you try changing it to only Latin letters?


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I can accept invites though it lets me view the story of the most matched song and stuff and then freezes after that i’m unable to reopen it as well or leave it. I’ll try and change my name display name as well

I swapped my username and it’s working! almost 2 months and it’s progress! I’m now able to join blends see the story’s and play them without an issue for now ofc. Thank you to all the mods who helped me out! < 3

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