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Devices option gone?

Devices option gone?

From the recent update I notice that the devices tab is gone. I tried to sync my ipod today and nothing happened when I opened spotify then plugged in my ipod. I've been looking around and seen a few other people saying the same thing. Did the syncing capability get removed completely? Or is there a new way to do it that is just completely obscure from anyone trying to actually do it..? I am really pissed right now that I can't sync my ipod with brand new music I just got. (I would use Itunes, but Itunes is **** and doesn't work on my computer)

12 Replies

The new version doesn't have the devices section in the sidebar. It will be coming back in a future update. Spotify hasn't said when the update will be coming.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Ok. Thank you.

So i cant sync any new music to my ipod untill they have a new update so im paying premium to not have premium service!!!!!!!!

Yeah this is BS!! I'm cancelling my payments here and now.





The devices section will be coming back in a future update soon.


In the meantime:
You won't be able to see an indication in the desktop client that the device is paired with the desktop client. But as long as they both are on the same WiFi network you should be able to trigger the local files sync by toggling the offline toggle on the playlist on your device. Just make sure that the local files are in a playlist of their own so that this will work.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

That's too bad , I paid for Premium service because I want to hear my music offline. I have a new iphone and I can't to sync my music.

I will cancel my premium suscription and start using iTunes.



too bad!! just cancelled my subscription

Since they removed that syncing offline songs have been a major pain in the ass. Payed for premium for so long but honestly thinking about just canceling the **bleep** and just switching to iTunes. It was possible for a while to add offline files through syncing a folder since now I cant even drag and drop like I was able too in the past directly from finder but now hardly that is working. Even though it is a streaming service they should really improve offline sync and fast cause they will loose me as a customer very soon if its not adressed.

Wow! I feel for stupid for not just trying this. Worked great! Thanks!

Im switching to tidal

Is there any update on this.

I have had spotify premium for some time, but only used via Sonos, or iphones, just now trying to load a playlist to an ipod nano for gym use.

They are never adding it back. Spotify is litterally going down hill. they even went as far as makng the radio funtion into a play list consisting of 20 songs with the same genre of the playlist it was made from. (even if the playlist has over 200 songs, you get a total of 20 songs for the radio).

the chances of them adding the Local Files or Device options back is next to none.

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