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My Spotify Premium is not activating


My Spotify Premium is not activating

Hello. I have purchased spotify premium and now paid a month and it still hasnt activated on my iphone 4s app... please help



356 Replies

And everything seems to be OK? If so, great 🙂 Glad to assist.

                                                                      IDEAS: Device Management | Recover Deleted Items

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mine worked after 24 hours... so maybe it´ll take 24 hours on yours 2... If not, contact spotify

Same problem. Tried to reinstall after an iPhone shut down. That didn't work. I don't see any other solutions on this thread. Any other ideas?

Hi Burliner31 - You're currently on our Unlimited subscription--this gives you ad-free listening with no limits on your desktop. 


If you want to use Spotify on your iPhone you'll need to upgrade to Premium. We've got more info here:

I have the same problem myself i just purchased it from my iphone4 if this is not by tonight I am disputing it tomorrow

If its not working by tonight I mean

I do have receipt to prove it too

Thank you for purchasing Spotify Premium. This is your receipt.

Email address: [Snip - Mod]
Username/ID: 1252402636
Date: 2012-10-19 01:22 UTC
Order ID: [Snip - Mod]
Payment type: VISA **** **** **** [Snip - Mod]

Retailer: Spotify USA Inc.
Tax ID number: [Snip - Mod]

Items bought: 1 month (Spotify Premium)
Total: $9.99

We hope you enjoy using Spotify!

The Spotify Team

This is an automated message, please do not reply.


Cdayers - It should update almost immediately, with you only needing to log out and in. Have you done this? You should get your Premium if you just log in with your Facebook details.

Also, posting personal details on a public forum isn't really recommended. I've just removed any sensitive info from your recent post.

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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My spotify premium is not activitaing on my Iphone.. I have delted app and reinstalled, i am restarted phone.. what else can i do.


I have tried these steps and it is still not working on my I_Phone please help ASAP


I'm having this issue too, please help! It works fine on my laptop but not on my phone, which is the reason I purchased spotify preimum!

There seems to be some sort of issue with the activations. I bet the staff is looking at the problem as we speak. Sit tight.

                                                                      IDEAS: Device Management | Recover Deleted Items

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I have done all this still nothing

having the same problem here....

I tried this before reading this post, and I've tried it after. I have not been able to get this to work and it's extremely frustrating. I would love to be able to talk to someone to help me fix this situation. Really would rather not fill out a form and have to wait for a response. I have foregone the use of iTunes in favor of Spotify, and love the app. Please fix me!

Yes, same here on both iPhone and iPad. Have deleted the app and reinstalled without any success. 

I have been waiting over 7 hours for my account to turn premium on my android. Someone please please please activate this thing. What is going on. 2 Cases and no response.

So I got Spotify on my phone today (logged in via Facebook). I liked it, so I went to on my computer (again, logged in with  the same Facebook account) and activated the free 90-day trial and set my account to Premium.


Soon as I did I was able to play song on-demand on my phone. Everything was going groovy. Then, I search for a song and all of a sudden it doesn't think I have Premium anymore. It's as if I'm back to before I subscribed. Whatever happened to make my phone lose Premium happened mid-app-use. I have uninstalled, reboot my iPhone, and reinstalled but it has done nothing to fix it. Spotify website confirms I am premium and the PC app is working fine. Issues seems to only be with my iPhone.


Could someone please help, or direct me to what I can do to fix it.

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