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Offline Playlist Default?

Offline Playlist Default?



I was just wondering, if the following were to occur, would my streaming from my phone use data.

-Mark a playlist as available to use offline.

-Don't put the app into offline mode.

-Still have some sort of 3G or wifi connection.


Would the app know not to use data and play it as an offline playlist or no?



2 Replies

Hey @dlyon7

If you would like to avoid the use of data, I recommend that you:

1) Go to My Music and switch the Available Offline toggle for those content that you want to listen when you do not have internet access
2) Head to Settings -> Usage and turn the app to Offline Mode
3) You must go online every 30 days for the app to send your usage data to Spotify.

When you're on offline mode, the app will not connect to Spotify and use data.

Alternatively, you can switch off Cellular Data (Under iPhone's Settings -> Mobile) and your phone will no longer use data
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Yea, so what jeremygoh says guarantees that Spotify will use no data/wifi whatsoever by switching the app into offline mode. But if you play a song that's been saved offline, Spotify won't use any data regardless unless you are streaming. I'm assuming other apps on your phone will be using data in the background still though.

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