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Playlist name has been removed

Playlist name has been removed

I've recently had the title of many of my playlists containing a name deleted because of it "breaking the guidelines" but I don't know what I'm doing wrong, what can I do to make it follow the guidelines so I can keep the name of it? Again, the only thing I've done is named it.

Top Answer

Hey there,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community and welcome.

The mail you received means that someone else has reported your playlist. However, you can rename it and upload a new picture that follows our "Profile and playlist user image guidelines" without any issue.


Also,  the relevant team is already working on a process to decrease false reporting. If you want to show your support for it, we'd recommend adding your vote to this idea by hitting the "thumbs up" button. We'd also suggest checking its status for more info. Any relevant updates will be posted there.


Hope this helps. In case anything else comes up, we will be here for you. 

61 Replies

Update: After posting this message here, Spotify sent me a notification. The problem was solved. Thank you!





United States


Razer Blade 15, iPhone 6s

Operating System

Ubuntu 18.04, iOS

My Question or Issue

I have a Flashback playlist with more than 3 thousand followers on Spotify. A few weeks ago, the playlist name and picture disappeared. I thought that the reason was related to the image that I was using in my playlist, so I removed it (It was a picture from a movie). But now, every time I define the playlist name or image, they disappear after some time. I asked some friends to check if my playlist name also disappeared for them, and they confirmed the bug. Could you help me, please?

spotify is also doing the same thing to my playlists, when i access via spotify app on my iphone 11, any ideas?








Spotify desktop app on my desktop

Spotify windows store app on my laptop

Spotify Android on my Xiaomi Mi F1

Spotify web app on Firefox (tried both on desktop and laptop)

Operating System

Windows 10

Android 10 w/ MiUi global 11.0.9

Firefox latest version

My Question or Issue

In the last few months I've been having multiple issues regarding playlist management on all my devices.

> Playlist names disappearing

On my 2 windows 10 computers using 2 different apps (desktop/store). some playlist names keep disappearing.

Happens usually once or twice a week, between 1 or up to maybe 4-5 playlists will have their name set to blank.

Their name also displays blank on my phone. Also on the web app (using with Firefox).

It seems some playlists are more affected than others.

It seems the "age" of the playlist matter, I'm getting more reset names on the recent playlists, while the really old ones seem to be left alone.


> playlists don't display on the left bar

On a computer - using store app, web app (firefox), desktop app, the playlists of which the name was reset don't display on the left bar.

When going to "Your library > Playlists" does display their artwork, with an empty name.

On phone, the same will happen in "Your library > Playlists": artwork but no name.

> Impossible to rename playlist

On a computer - using store app, web app (firefox), desktop app, it's impossible to rename the playlist of which the name was deleted.

It just displays a generic "error" red message.

I can rename the playlist on my phone.

> Playlist rename doesn't propagate from phone to computer

After using my phone to rename a playlist of which the name was deleted, the change doesn't seem to propagate to other spotify apps.

Reloading the web/desktop/store apps doesn't show the playlists, they still have empty names and are hidden in the left bar.

It seems after a few hours/a day, the new names take effect.


This is very strange and has been becoming a really big problem. With my library becoming bigger more and more playlist names are disappearing, of which I need to remember the name and keep renaming a few times a month.

Is there anything I can do, or if you need more information please let me know !



Hey @lbstq,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


We recommend you log out everywhere and run a clean reinstall on all your devices, this involves deleting the cache files of the app and will force an account wide resynchronization of your info. You can have a look at this guide for the steps relevant to each device.


In this case it's a good idea to go ahead and also secure your account using the instructions in this Support Page. Don't forget to change the password for any service associated with your account, such as your email address, Facebook, or Apple.


We recommend that you also have a look at all third party apps that have access to your Spotify account and remove any you don't recognize. You can learn how to do this here.  For the other ones you should update the login info as well.


Hope this helps. Keep us posted how you get on.

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Thanks - will try that.

I'm also using spotify through the web browser, should I do something specific? I'd rather not empty the cache as I rely on my history heavily.





- logged out everywhere

- uninstalled apps from dekstop and laptop, rebooted

- uninstalled app from phone, rebooted

- changed password

- removed access to all 3d party apps


Now trying to rename playlists from the web app on my laptop, same issue.

Failed to save playlist changes. Please try again.


Actually I did some tests, and I cannot rename any playlist at all...


Anything else to try? Not having playlists on spotify kind of looses the point of it.


EDIT: might be worth mentioning that I used to log in through facebook, and around a year ago switched to email/password.

Might that be the source of my issues ?

Hey @lbstq


Thanks for getting back to us. 


No worries, the way you log in to the app shouldn't affect your playlists' titles. 


Would you mind trying to rename your playlists again using a different internet connection?


If this doesn't do the trick, could you ask a friend or a relative to log in to their account on one of your devices to check if the issue persists with a different account?


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp


I tried renaming my playlists through the web app on a different computer and different internet connection - still the same problem:

Failed to save playlist changes. Please try again.

Btw - all the tests I did on desktop/laptop were on different wifis (laptop at work, desktop at home).

I reinstalled spotify on my phone, and I can rename playlists there but the change doesn't transfer to the web app on the computer.

Also, all the playlists which I renamed on the phone, and that were displaying correctly on the phone but empty on the computer, their name went empty again after uninstalling and reinstalling spotify on my phone.

Now all of the playlists I created the last 2 years have a blank name, this is infuriating.


I asked a friend to login to his spotify account on my computer (through webapp) and he can rename any playlists without any error.

Hey @lbstq,


Thanks for the info 🙂


In this case we'd suggest you contact our support team. The folks there can check things backstage and investigate this further.


Regarding the error message that appears when you try renaming the playlists while using the web player- it sounds like you might be experiencing this issue. You can add your +VOTE and follow the instructions in the Status Update below. You can also Subscribe to the thread so you can stay up-to-date with any relevant news about this.


The Community is here for you if there's anything else!


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Okay so this is basically a know issue for multiple weeks, which has not been fixed - might have been useful to mention it from the start.


While I wait for this to be fixed, I'm looking into ways of maybe creating a new account and transferring everything.

Playlists and liked songs are easy enough.


However, is there a way to transfer liked/followed artists and albums ? Not looking forward to manually copying over 800+ albums



Hey @lbstq,


Thank for getting back to us.


Currently there is no option to transfer the listening history or the followers.

In case you want to transfer the music you can give these steps a go. Alternatively you can reach out to our support team. The folks there can transfer your saved music.


If you need anything else, the Community is here for you.




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I have the same problem with a playlist of mine (90+ followers ). Spotify keeps removing the name and cover art. Even when I just change the name it get's deleted. I keep getting the same mail.  It even say "If you believe you received this notice in error, please respond back to this email with an appeal within five (5) business days and we will look into the case.". I responded over 10 times the last two months but no respond back. Very frustrating...


I have the same issue with my Playlist. I hope Spotify fixes it. I have a playlist that is over 400 followers and suddenly,its name and cover was deleted and I keep on getting the  same email but Spotify does not respond or give a solution to it.                               

Same! Spotify please fix this ASAP

Also having this issue. wth Spotify?!? 




Your playlists may have been falsely reported by either bots or human users with malicious intents on getting "competition" out of the way. I'd recommend reaching out to Support team (here's how to), they can help you put a stop to this. : )

Same here. Very frustrating because now my playlist doesn't have a name.. (got almost 1000 followers)

Everytime my name and picture keeps getting removed after 1 or 2 minutes, why?

Also resonded two times at the mails i keep getting, no solution yet.. 

Hello, for the past 4 days the name/description of my playlist keeps getting deleted after a few minutes due to “offensive” name.


First, the name is not offensive. No mater what I make the name, Spotify keeps removing it. Looking at the forums online, it seems like anyone can report a playlist and without any provision Spotify removes the content.


Right now, someone is trying to hurt my brand. I’ve been losing A LOT of followers on my playlist because of this. I need this to stop! 😞 Emailed Spotify but haven't heard back in 5 days.

Hi @HoumanM,


Thanks for reaching out about this here in the Community. 


In this case, we suggest that you keep in touch with our Support team so they can take a look at your account and further assist you with this.


You can also consider adding your +VOTE to this idea. The Idea Exchange is a great way for us to see what our users are interested in and how many people like a certain idea.


Check out this Spotify Answer to learn more about it.


If you need a hand with anything else, the Community is here for you.

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

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