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Turn off spotify connect?

Turn off spotify connect?

Hi, I'd like to know how to turn off spotify connect, it is not a function I like to have turn on automatically when it detects other devices in the network.
Many thanks
92 Replies

Yep, I agree. But the way technology is, there is no way to verify the same household usage or family members. I can understand they don't want one account streaming to 3 users simultaneously at different locations, especially if they had means of paying for their own account. But anyway, Not everyone is using cable so theres no way to verify the household by subnet means.... There is no single solution to fit all needs but there are many free service options also.


I use a pay account only for the offline capability while mobile. Especially out on the bike for the day, its much less expensive than satellite and no commercials. Add in a student discount at 50% and yah, im happy. anyone at home can listen while im offline or they can listen to the free version. 



Connect is absolutely the worst aspect of Spotify. 


I have two devices - an old iPhone used to play music in the bathroom, etc and has it's own playlist queued up. The 2nd device is my everyday iPhone I carry everywhere. I don't want the same playlist running on both - which is what connect forces without manual intervention every single time I start or stop play on one of the device. It's a crazy implementation. 





If they always play the same playlists, you can force one app into offline mode which disables Connect.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Connect is annoying me too - I  want my devices to manage their respective play queues. Please enable an option to turn connect off.


@Peter wrote:
If they always play the same playlists, you can force one app into offline mode which disables Connect.


Did you read what you wrote there? So, I as paying customer should fix someone's screw up (stupidity, greed, or whatever) by constyraining my usage? You cannot be serious...


1 person, 2 devices of different usecases *and* not used atthe same time. Few more answers like that and its a goodbye. [Googling Beats]

It's been many months and yet no off option.  It's just sad. 

@MarcRallu - Just trying to offer a friendly suggestion. I don't work for Spotify so frankly if you stay or leave doesn't really bother me.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Just came across the issue as well. My problem is that as soon spotify mobile connects to spotify windows the latter one starts to stutter like hell. Plus data usage and battery drain.


Anyway - my suggestion would be to contact support. And when they will not be able to help (see - when - not if) - withdraw the subscription and make it noted.


I do nto see any other way, unfortunately. Every spotify version in the last 1 year was worse than the previous.


How hard is it to close out of Spotify on the devices you aren't using it on?  I agree there should be an option to disable the feature but all the whining in here is rediculous.  


Spotify Connect will ONLY play from the last device it played from unless it can no longer connect to that device (then it defaults to the current device).  I can replicate that it works this way with 100% accuracy.

Because if you log off one of the devices then that device no longer can access your account and is thus useless.


Don't you get the fact that people want the ability to use two or more devices independent of each other? Is that really such a crazy request - I don't think so, in fact I'd vote it as the norm.


Either way, the complaint is that there is no option to make things more independent, and people (including me) are upset because this request has gone on for a very long time with no acknowlegment of a potential change coming.


You don't have to log off.  Just close the app (on iOS this works by double clicking the home button and swiping Spotify away).  You can't play music on two devices with the same account at the same time anyway (per the agreement you committed to.)  


I feel the need to reiterate that I am FOR them adding a toggle to disable the feature.  As it stands tho I am NOT seeing the issue where it will RANDOMLY play from a different device.  Only if I select a different device will it play from that device.  When I want to go back to my phone I select my phone from the connect menu and it will continue to play from the phone until I choose a different device in the connect menu. Obviously if you are SHARING an account then it is going to continue to play on the last device spotify was playing from as long as it can connect to it.

Nobody is saying to use them at the same time, but to kill the app in order to use the other device is just plain ridiculous. I want my 2 devices to have different playlists, and be able to play 1 without rememering to go kill the other one. Come on !


Forcing this sync function with no option to disable is becoming a bit of a deal breaker. I find myself using other apps more and more often because of this. And I do like Spotify.


How are you able to have different playlists on two devices with the same account?


Anywhere that I log into my Spotify account it shows me the same playlists.


" and be able to play 1 without rememering to go kill the other one. Come on !"


You can. Go to the connect menu and select the one that says "This Device".  Music will then play from that device.  

You shouldn't have to do this.  If I DON'T use connect then the music will ALWAYS play from the device that I start a song from.  This makes sense because you won't necessarily need an option to disable connect if you don't use it.  


Also lay off with the "come on" stuff.  I have repeatedly stated that I agree they should add an option.  I'm just trying to help you find a workable solution in the mean time. 

I didn't say I have different lists on different devices, I said I want to play a different playlist on the 2 different devices. So I want device 1 to play playlist A and device 2 to play playlist B.


It's been discussed that you can unconnect each time, but everyone is just trying to point out how difficult that makes the app to use. My use case is to walk into the bathroom and hit play expecting the same playlist that was last used on that device to continue, but since I may have used my other device in between, the playlist switches.


The frustration is in having to explain this usage scenario over and over. All this problem needs to be resolved is a simple "Use Connect - yes or no" option. Read through the 5 pages of complaints and you might get the idea that the current approach is a pain at best, and borderline unusable at worst.


Sorry you are so sensitive to the frustration that we (or at least I) get from seeing no resolution to this for so long by Spotify.

"The frustration is in having to explain this usage scenario over and over. All this problem needs to be resolved is a simple "Use Connect - yes or no" option. Read through the 5 pages of complaints and you might get the idea that the current approach is a pain at best, and borderline unusable at worst.


Sorry you are so sensitive to the frustration that we (or at least I) get from seeing no resolution to this for so long by Spotify."


It wasn't my intention to come off as "sensitive" about it.  As i've said enough times that I agree with a connect toggle option.



"hit play expecting the same playlist that was last used on that device to continue, but since I may have used my other device in between, the playlist switches."  


I'd prefer if they didn't change this functionality tho.  If I am listening to a song on one device and I want to switch devices I don't want it to start on a random song.  I would want it to continue playing the song I was on before I switched to another device.  To each their own.

On android shutting off the app doesn't work.   The app just starts back up and when it does it stops the music on my laptop and changes the playlist to the playlist I last listened to on the device.

i came here looking for a solution, looks like were all annoyed...suddenly my phone decides what to play on my desktop without me doing anything...RUDE


i force closed the app on android a couple times, didnt help, it just comes right back to life, WTF


now ive set spoitfy to offline mode on mobile and it seems to be working fine 🙂 not more rudeness! 



Hi - I also want to shut down Connect. I definitely do not want it as it is hard to predict if my phone will go nuts when I start playing music on my laptop. Which happened 3 times today. It even spawns a "play" notification on my phone when it is not connected to my office's WiFi, which respawns automatically when I dismiss it, no matter what I do. I do not have to be forcing the closure of Spotify on my phone. Also, It draws both battery and data traffic.


It is not desired. I have Spotify premium but if I have to switch my phone off, go into plane mode, or even uninstall spotify on it, I will be forced to cancel suscription and switch back to another music suscription service. 


Just put an option to disable this unwanted feature. I consider it a way of unwanted use of my phone by your app.

I currently hate this feature. I dont want to listen to the same things on my phone as I do on my desktop.  Please give an option when to toggle this feature on and off so it makes friggin sense!  I want my desktop to maintain my work queue and not erase them when i'm away from my desk to change to what i'm playing on my phone. super annoying! FIX!

The way Connect is implemented is terrible. I don't want my current song synced across devices. I don't want the Spotify app to keep trying to start on my phone while I play music on my computer. I kill the Spotify app on my phone, I play music on my computer, and the Spotify app pops back up on the phone showing me the song I'm playing on the computer. I know, I'm playing it. The phone app can shut up.


Also, I may be on different playlists on my devices. I listen to different things while I work, while I drive, etc. I want my phone to remember the last playlist and the last song played on the phone, not switch to the song/playlist I'm playing on my computer. That's how it used to work, and this new Connect feature completely ruins that.


Spotify, please find a way to implement the one device restriction without having the devices sync each other's currently playing song.

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