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Volume buttons on device don't work when casting

Volume buttons on device don't work when casting

As of Spotify 8.9.xx and newer I can't control the volume on my iPhone when casting to a Chromecast device. I need to go into the slider inside the Spotify app to change the volume.


This is not an iOS or apple issue:

My non working version of Spotify is and just today updated to 8.9.18.xx which has the same bug.

On another iPhone a WORKING version of Spotify is

The latter works perfectly fine. It is not a iOS problem but a Spotify bug!

Both iPhones run iOS 17.3.1


If this is not being actively solved by Spotify I'm sorry to say I will cancel my subscription and change to Tidal. This is a CORE functionality.

Top Answer

Hey folks,


Thanks again for raising this to the community.


Spotify is rolling out a new way to control your volume when listening via Spotify Connect on your iPhone. Instead of using the hardware buttons on the side of your iOS device, you will now need to use the volume slider within the Spotify app. This change is a result of Apple discontinuing the technology that powers some of Spotify’s volume controls.


We'll be here if anything else comes up.

493 Replies



This new volume control is aweful! You have to find a solution Spotify!! 

The new method for adjusting volume via an additional screen is really annoying. The old way worked reasonably well. It would occasionally stop working, but no worse than the rest of the app getting confused occasionally.

I’ve experienced this today and with respect this was a silly decision. Have version and this issue is back. Please return the functionality. It provides a screen free way of adjusting the volume. I don’t want to have to go onto the screen to do it! It’s too slow and leads to me just turning down my phone volume which is dumb. You’ll have analytics around how many people try to do it with hardware buttons, please at least provide us the option to change this back in settings!

Please bring the feature back or atleast allow us to change a setting to allow it instead of the now very intrusive and much slower method of adjusting volume.

Agreed,  this sucks...since I can't determine whether Apple or Spotify are to blame, I'll try my best to ditch both of them.   

Well, everything else works.. prime, deezer, youtube, etc.

Will this be resolved? I’ll need to move to tidal otherwise. Sorry guys.

I used to be able to control Spotify volume using the physical buttons on the side of my iPhone and iPad when casting to a chromecast audio. This function still works on the free version of Deezer so apple cannot have “discontinued the technology“. The onscreen volume pop up is not a suitable replacement. Please fix this, I am seriously considering cancelling my Spotify premium account. 

Deezer is not using Spotify's "Spotify Connect". Apple directly killed Spotify Connect and aimed at the main competition in audio streaming. I currently use my Speakers with Airplay and Apple (oh wonder) improved the audio sync when streaming to several speakers in the room. But I have to click to all speakers one after another and cannot build speaker groups like on chromecast. At least I have a workaround until Spotify wins the lawsuit against Apple in ten years ...

That SUCKS and is driving me to look for another song service.  Coupled with the spotty ability to play on my Amazon speaker at home, I'm strongly considering switching.  Sad 😞

Forgive me if this is the wrong thread, but I think this is the same issue, just with Spotify Connect on iPhone->Mac. I'm trying to control the volume of the Spotify Mac app with my iPhone volume buttons. Stopped working out of nowhere, and Spotify keeps blaming Apple.


I'm not sure I understand how it is Apple's fault, though - just set up an old iphone with IOS 15 and installed Spotify. This version of IOS still has the volume slider on the lock screen, so the volume rockers on the iPhone should control the volume of Spotify playing from my Mac (just like it used to), right? Wrong - doesn't work, but in the Spotify app, it opens that little stupid volume slider.


It worked perfectly so why change it? And stop just blaming Apple without explaining properly, that's not cool.

Unfortunately, that is the worst non-solution answer I have seen in a long time. 

This is NOT a solution. This workaround is a proper annoyance and downgrades the user experience to a low level. 

Spotify, get your acts together, find a real solution to just use the physical buttons to control the volume. No silly workarounds. Just the buttons. 

Stop blaming Apple. Innovate, engineer a solution, figure it out, make it work, be crafty, overcome issues to make life easier for your customers. That’s why we pay premium. Not to hear “oh well, nothing we can do, here’s a slider for you, have a great day. “


Come on, that’s not serious! Is this the best you can do? Really, that is the best that came out of your solution workshops?
Please try again, you must do better than this half-baked gimmick.


Well that’s a completely stupid step *backwards* in functionality, usability and user experience. Good job team *slowclap*.

To me this is also a deal-breaker. I actually have written two mails to the vendor of my music streaming device to complain about this, but then I realize that the problem might be Spotify. It works fine with Apple Music... I have just been happy with my Spotify subscription, so don't know if I should move on or not...

I mostly listen to Spotify using Spotify Connect speakers. Not being able to quickly control volume using the hardware buttons is a pretty big inconvenience. It’s important enough that I’m now evaluating moving to other services that support this functionality.


Please find a way to make this work like it did in the past.

Olá, pessoal!

Tudo bem? Estou curtindo muito a função “Jan”, que conecta dispositivos e permite controlar a música entre eles. Porém, senti falta de poder ajustar o volume do dispositivo passivo direto pelo ativo. Isso melhoraria bastante a experiência.

Vocês têm planos de incluir essa opção? Acho que seria uma adição super útil.

Valeu pela atenção e pelo trabalho incrível de vocês!


Airplay volume buttons on my iPhone no longer works after iOS18 upgrade.  This is entirely unusable.

No longer able to control volume on Airplay devices with iPhone volume button — bug?

Makes Spotify really unusable if every volume change requires opening the app.

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