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Why I can't see My Music on an ipad??


Why I can't see My Music on an ipad??

Last spotify update is awesome with My music feature (albums, similar to a cd library on a room!). But I wonder why this feature is not showed on an ipad...
149 Replies

It's very clear that Spotify ignores their users. Just browse through these issues. Spotify is great but I can't wait until Apple comes out with their streaming service. Spotify will lose half their users overnight because of crap like this.

Yesterday, I've cancelled my Spotify subscription due to this issue. I refuse sponsoring a company that treats its customers the way Spotify does. Because it isn't the lack of a feature that's missing why I'm leaving, it's the way they let customers wait for over six months for a feature that should be standard, and their lack of communication towards their community about it.

I've switched to DEEZER and I'm never going back to Spotify again. I'll be waiting for Apple's music service. Shame on Spotify for being this customer unfriendly.


Well...Deezer is an excellent service (nothing to complain about it) BUT their iPad app is ONE YEAR OLD and has never been updated since October 2013....:-) Maybe, with these criteria, even Deezer is customer unfriendly....

Yeah! I guess developers stop working on iPad versions. 😞 Does that mean the iPad is dead? 😉 Since using the iPhone 6 Plus I'm only waiting for a adjusted version that is more beautiful on this awesome screensize.

The developers have not stopped working on an iPad update. It is still coming. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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And Santa Claus does really exist...

A six month delay with zero communication.


Matt, do you think this is good business practice?

@MattSuda: How do you know that exactly? Are you one of the developers? If not how much Spotify pays you for this testimony?

Really disappointed to see this is still not in place yet seeing how long ago this was first posted.

Matt has been spouting that nonsense for months. Zero credibility.

I have no credibility?


No, I am not a Spotify employee. (at least not yet but maybe it's a dream of mine)


I volunteer my time to help out users here on this forum, and most of the time you guys don't trust what I say. I have no problem with that, but I don't appreciate the direct insults. 

MattSudaSpotify Star
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Since you seem to have such a friendly relationship with the Spotify team, why haven't you asked them to please take a few minutes of their precious time and update us on the status of this _essential_ feature. I have to agree with you that is was rude of him to make that insult but you have to understand that he's only reacting this way after you've posted several times that 'they are working on it' and we've seen absolutely zero progress. Ofcourse they are. That doesn't give us any clou on how long is it going to take. I'm for example working on world peace for several years now but haven't made much progress and I can't give any ETA on when it will happen.



I'm sorry if I offended you, but if you have no inside information - quit pretending you do. You are not doing yourself or Spotify any favors.

Look Matt, you told us in April it would take a month for this option to be available on the iPad. It's October now, so don't be surprised if people think you're talking cr** when you come here saying they are still working on it.

I don't know you, I don't know what you're intentions are, I don't know what your relationship with Spotify is. Now I like to believe you're just here trying to help people, but knowing it's your dream to work on the developers team of Spotify, I can't help thinking you're saying nothing else than what's good for Spotify in order to get your 'boarding pass' and do what you dreamed about doing. With that perception in mind, I agree this has negative effect on your credibility. No matter how good your intentions might be.

Spotify has become a messed up service with different products on different devices, and in the long term it will hurt their business.

To clarify, I don't post information "hoping" to have good intentions or to impress anyone at Spotify.


I try to post accurate information that will help users. I understand the frustration users have and I want to help out.


When I said the developers are still working on the iPad update, I meant it. The information is true.


This thread: here -- got so out of hand with people calling me out that a Spotify employee had to back up my statement which is true.


"Hello everyone. Staff here. 

Whilst we have no official timeframe for this feature just yet, our development team is working hard to make it available on iPad. We will be sure to keep everyone posted with news at and in the iOS section of our community. 
Thanks for hanging in there. We hope to be back with an update soon.
Many thanks,
The Spotify Community Team"
When Spotify has information to share about the update it will be posted here on the forums.
Whether I have insider information or not shouldn't matter. Community Rock Stars are trusted by Spotify to help out users. We are not just posting "BS".
MattSudaSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Matt, good thing your informator is accurate (even though absolutely useless), but it actually matters a lot whether you have insider info or not - simply because that is the only credible info people are looking for and the only way to help membes on this issue... Unless you develop the feature independently I guess 🙂 either way, I appreciate your efforts, but the fact that it's been over half a year and there's still no feature, nor even a timeline for its development, is more than frustrating.

Hi, just bought my first iPad mini, and 5he first app downloaded was Spotify Music... So frustrated that the My Music section was not present...

Then I read this thread and my frustration went to the sky....

I'm a Programming Engineer, so... Spotify do you need any help? I'll be happy to.... Hope you resolve the issue because your service is great!
Inspired Technician = Artist
In the name of Love...

I've been misled (lied to) repeatedly by the @spotifycares twitter account. They have promised this update will happen 'soon' for 6 months now. I was even told "very soon" a month and a half ago. Not having an iPad app update is one thing. Misleading your customers about upcoming features when running a subscription service is shady and disrespectful.


Notice how quickly Matt stepped in when someone suggested the app isn't coming at all? That they won't talk about this clearly suggests some kind of legal holdup. And in addition legally they can't say anything about the legal hold up.


So why not just say My Music on iPad eta is unknown. Why does Spotify feel comfortable promising 'soon' when they don't have complete control over the situation?

RDIO are now streaming at 320kps and it has a beautiful iPad app. I was a premium Spotify user but left a few months ago because of the missing 'my music' on iPad (other than that I was happy with it). I also use a Nexus 7 tablet and the Spotify app on that was just fine, with My Music present and everything working smoothly. They will have to do something  special to get me back from RDIO now as I am very happy with it. It's such a shame the iPad platform is of so little importance to them. I tended to pick up my Nexus (which I bought really just for reading because of its size and brighter screen) before my iPad because music is important to me and the much better Spotify app on Android was always a pull. I imagine it must be a little worrying to Apple as well, if major apps are now not being kept up to date on iPad. If it weren't for RDIO my iPad would probably have just gathered dust.


Google Music also streams at 320kps, but I found a few significant gaps in their library, though that might be peculiar to my musical taste. But I have used Google music (free version) to upload my iTunes library so that is always available on my various gadgets including my iPad* (I have quite a few albums that aren't on Spotify, RDIO or Google Music).


*Google Music doesn't yet have a dedicated iPad app, but they make the iPhone app available and that works fine even if it's not as pretty as a proper iPad app. It's odd that Spotify won't (can't?) release the iPhone app for the iPad.

All I can say now to Spotify is **bleep** off the carplay option and take care of your ipad users.

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