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iOS App Crashing

iOS App Crashing


Individual Premium




(iPhone 12 mini)

Operating System

(iOS 17.1.1)


My Question or Issue

App takes a long time to load. After loading, I'm lucky if I can play half a song. Works perfectly on my other devices.

Things I've tried:

Updating app

Updating phone

Restarting phone

Turning Bluetooth off and back on

Resetting Airpods

Deleting Spotify and re-downloading it (plus all of my music)

Turning Wifi off and back on

Trying wifi vs data

Powering wifi router off and back on


App is updated to the most recent version. According to other posts on this topic, it should've fixed it. Ideas? Is this a known issue? This is really frustrating 😞

5 Replies

Hey @Rainbow3,


Thanks for reaching out.


Can you please perform a clean reinstall of the app to see if that makes any difference? 🙂


Also, it might be worth checking with a family member or friend to see if the issue persists when they log into the Spotify app on your phone using their account. You could also create a new account and use that to log in and test.


Let me know how it goes!

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thank you. Unfortunately still having issues. I logged out and back in, and it seemed to be working for a few hours. Then all of a sudden, I was having issues again. I tried an alternate account, and that worked perfectly. I performed a clean reinstall, and I’m still experiencing issues.

Hey @Rainbow3,


Thanks for letting me know!


The issue you're experiencing might be related to this resolved Ongoing Issue. Some users are reporting in the comments that the issue is resurfacing, so if you believe that you're also affected by the issue mentioned there, I recommend adding your subscription to it as well as commenting there.


Hope this helps a bit 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution".
If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like.
Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thank you. I’ll do that. Really frustrated with this. I know you’re not affiliated with Spotify, but with Thanksgiving coming up I need music to deal with my family. Hoping they *actually* resolve it soon instead of claiming they did.

Hey @Rainbow3,


I've made sure that a new Ongoing Issue gets created for it:


Feel free to subscribe to it and comment there as well 🙂



MaximSpotify Star
Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution".
If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like.
Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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