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Account was hacked

  1. Recieved an email in Spanish this morning around 8:18 am PST confirming that I had changed my family account to a different email address and all of my devices and family members devices were logged out. Now I am unable to retrieve my account due to not having access to the email that it was changed to. None of my family members speak Spanish nor changed the address.
  2. There was no breach of access on the email registered originally to the spotify account.
  3.  I would like access back to my account, so that my family and I can start listening to music again. Dont get me wrong we all love spotify but it seems like security is very lax.
  4. I am thoroughly confused on the lack of verification process that is used when changing something so crucial to the operation of an account. From my understanding there is no IP confirmation of the device trying change information. No device recognition besides what devices are only using the service.
  5. As a suggestion, from myself and others I assume who will and have suffered from an account hijacking it seems to me that more verification processes should be implemented. I'd rather be slewed with checks & verifications then having to wait a few days until everything is up and running again. 
  6. Rant over, I appreciate the time anyone spends reading this to understand how frustrating this is. Thank you.






Samsung Galaxy 9

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Android Oreo


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