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Account Free instead of Premium

Account Free instead of Premium

Today my account now shows as Free even though I have a Premium/family account. I verified I paid $14.99 with an active credit card on 6/28. How do I fix this as everyone on my family account is now having issues.

3 Replies

Hey whitty145 🙂


Did you receive an email receipt for the subscription when you started it? If yes, you can check the username on the receipt and on the account you're logged in to if they're the same.


If they're the same, it's best to contact the support team to help find out why your account's reverted to Free -

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Just keep swimming!

© to the owner of the photo 🙂

I did look up my receipt through Spotify and the usernames match. I've had
this premium account for over a year and just recently have had
issues. I've submitted for help from Spotify.

Aww I hope they can clear this up for you soon! 🙂

Was my answer helpful? Don't forget to give it a Kudos or Accept it as Solution 😉
Just keep swimming!

© to the owner of the photo 🙂

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